Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 7 Qin's Test

"Old Cai! This is Lao Wang's son Wang Bin. They have developed two new types of high-temperature-resistant glass with Tiangong Technology, and the performance is amazing, so I want you to test the performance of these two glasses. It has met the high temperature resistant glass requirements of our Qin's industry, if possible, then I am going to place an order with their factory." After entering the laboratory, Qin Fei said to an old man in the laboratory.

"Oh! Lao Wang's son? I didn't expect him to be so old! Why is Lao Wang not doing handicrafts now, but switching to producing special glass? That's right. Actually, let me tell you! He should have done this a long time ago." After listening to Qin Fei If so, Old Wang glanced at Wang Bin, and then said with some surprise.

Wang Bin didn't know what to say for a while! But one thing is certain, that is, the old man in front of him is also very familiar with his father, so he asked, "Old Cai! I don't know you and my father?"

"Ask your father about the relationship between me and your father. I don't have that much time to spare. Well, without further ado, where's the glass you brought?" Cai Lao said.

Hearing that Lao Wang didn't want to say anything more, Wang Bin was also a little helpless, so he had to pass the glass sample in his hand to Cai Lao, and said, "This is the special glass that our company has just developed. Among them, the performance of the glass with relatively low transparency is slightly worse. , and the glass with relatively high transparency has even better performance."

"Not bad! The light transmittance of the two glasses is at least 95%, and the one you mentioned with better performance has a light transmittance of at least 96%. Not to mention other things, just In terms of light transmittance, these two glasses are already very good, surpassing the glass with the highest light transmittance in the world at the present stage." Cai Lao took the glass in Wang Bin's hand, looked at it carefully for a while and said .

After finishing speaking, he weighed down again and tapped lightly, and said: "Well, in terms of weight, these two glasses are similar, but they are much lighter than ordinary glass or metal glass. In the case of the same volume, it is only about one-third of the weight of ordinary glass.

At the same time, when knocking, the sound of these two pieces of glass is very crisp, and even has a metal-like sound, which shows that the strength and impact resistance of the two pieces of glass are good. Xiao Wang, can you confirm that the two pieces of glass are the same Not metallic glass? But ordinary glass? "

"Yes! Mr. Cai, these two pieces of glass are not metallic glass. After all, metallic glass certainly does not have such a high light transmittance. Generally speaking, the light transmittance of metallic glass is 92%. About three, and the light transmittance of my two types of glass has exceeded 96%. At the same time, I think that the weight of metallic glass will definitely not be so light." Wang Bin replied,

"Well! It is true that although metallic glass is somewhat lighter than ordinary glass, it is not easy to achieve this level, not to mention that in terms of light transmission, it is basically impossible to achieve this level. It's possible." Cai Lao said.

After finishing speaking, Mr. Cai didn't say anything more, but directly took the two pieces of glass and walked into the laboratory, preparing to formally test the two pieces of glass. After all, human eyes and touch can detect Things are very limited, everything still depends on the results of the instrument test.

As for him and Qin Fei, after seeing Elder Cai entered the laboratory, Wang Bin also walked into Elder Cai's laboratory under Qin Fei's leadership.

After entering the laboratory, Wang Bin found that this laboratory should be a laboratory specializing in the research and development and testing of special glass, and the internal equipment is very complete.

And these equipments are very advanced, even he is still in the laboratory, seeing a lot of the world's top experimental equipment, which makes him a little jealous.

If he has these devices, he can be sure that the special glass technology in his mind can be realized 100%, instead of being unable to meet the standard like the ones developed now.

The equipment in the laboratory is very advanced, but the inspection of glass can only be done step by step. Mr. Cai and his team took three to four hours to complete the inspection of glass.

"Mr. Qin! The performance of this glass is very good, especially in terms of comprehensive performance, it absolutely surpasses all the glasses in the world, so there is no problem in using it on our high-pressure and high-temperature equipment. If the price is not very high, Then I suggest that all the glass on the equipment produced by our group be replaced with this kind.

In fact, according to me, even if this glass is used in our equipment, it is actually a cruel thing. These glasses should be used in aerospace, which is the most suitable. "When the detection was detected, Mr. Cai said immediately.

Hearing what Mr. Cai said, Wang Bin actually wanted to tell him that the original purpose of this glass was for aerospace. After all, glass with a thickness of every millimeter can resist impact at 42 meters per second. As the thickness increases, the impact resistance will also increase geometrically. This kind of performance cannot be achieved by any glass, even bulletproof glass.

Hearing what Mr. Cai said, Qin Fei nodded and said to Wang Bin; "Since this glass has met our company's requirements for glass performance and far exceeded it, then our Qin's Industry naturally has no reason to refuse, let alone What's more, you are still Lao Wang's son, so in the future, all the high-temperature resistant glass that our company needs will be handed over to you Tiangong Technology.

Let's go to my office to discuss in detail, after all Mr. Cai still has to work. "

Wang Bin nodded, and followed Qin Fei to leave their Qin Industry's laboratory and return to Qin Fei's office.

In the subsequent chat, Qin Fei was full of praise for the performance of the glass developed by Wang Bin, and at the same time was very optimistic about the transformation of their Tiangong technology.

"Okay! Let's talk here first! Now let's talk about our procurement of this glass. Although we, Qin's Industry, are an industrial company, we don't have any demand for special high-temperature-resistant glass. Quite a lot, many equipments need this kind of glass, for example, the observation ports and high-temperature thermometers on high-temperature and high-pressure equipment, etc., all need to be made of special high-temperature-resistant glass.

In addition, a lot of equipment in our company also uses high-temperature-resistant special glass. I won’t go into details. There are also many types of glass. I don’t know Xiao Wang, how will your Tiangong Technology’s future output of these two types of glass be, and whether you have the ability to produce other types of glass besides flat glass. "

"Uncle Qin! Since our Tiangong Technology produces special high-temperature-resistant glass, and now we only ordered a small glass production line, the output will not be very high in the future, but I want to satisfy Uncle Qin and your Qin family. The industry is more than sufficient. Even our small glass production line can have an annual output of more than 4,000 tons. If we maintain this production equipment at full capacity, the average daily maximum output can reach 13 to 4 tons.

At the same time, since our production line is not specialized in the production of flat glass, in addition to flat glass, we can also produce other shapes of special heat-resistant glass.

In addition, this production line can produce glass with a minimum thickness of 0.5 mm, and can produce flat glass with a maximum thickness of 120 mm. It can produce flat glass with a maximum length of 2000 mm and a maximum width of 1000 mm. As for other types of glass, As long as it is not larger than this thickness and length and width, it can be produced. Of course, the specific shape depends on the shape of the glass required and the workers' skills at the time of production. "Wang Bin replied.

"Qin Fei nodded. Indeed, with their Tiangong technology production line, it is more than enough to provide them with special glass for Qin's industry. The special glass that their Qin's industry can use every day is less than one ton. , To be precise, it was only about 0.6 tons, so he was relieved.

"By the way, Xiao Wang, have you registered the patents for these two types of glass? If not, then you should act as soon as possible, although in terms of basic materials, it is not so easy for others to imitate them.

It is even possible to invest countless manpower, material resources and funds, and it may not be successful in imitation, but there are contingencies in everything, so if you have not registered a patent, you should register as soon as possible. When you register at the same time, not only domestic, but also foreign countries Treat them together.

Finally, when registering a patent, pay more attention not to write all the data and core technology of this glass. After all, even a patent is not absolutely safe. "Qin Fei thought for a while and said to Wang Bin.

"Uncle Qin! Don't worry! As for the patent matter, I have asked an agency company in our city to apply for it. At the same time, the core data, technology and process of these two glasses were not involved in the registration." Wang Bin Some said gratefully.

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