Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 750 Landing on 9 Li Xing

Following the appearance of this group of fire, more meteor-like sparks appeared in the sky, and they flew straight to where they were.

This made everyone in the Jiuli King's Palace panic, because they didn't know what the flames flying down from the sky were? Is it the stars that fell from the sky or something else, or that the heavens wanted to punish them and sent disasters from the sky.

"Protect the king immediately and evacuate the palace, quickly protect the king and evacuate the palace!"

"My God, what's the matter? What is this thing!"

"God, is this a disaster that you sent down? What did we do wrong!"

"Oh my god, is this the descending of heaven and man, or the fall of heaven and man!"

"Ah... ah... ah..."


Suddenly, the entire palace of the Jiuli Kingdom, and even the entire capital of the Jiuli Kingdom, became chaotic. Some ministers hid under the table, and some ran behind the pillars. Some of them collapsed on the ground and lost their ability to move. As for their king, under the protection of many soldiers, he quickly left the palace and ran towards the outside of the palace.

In short, as the fireball fell in the sky, everyone in the capital of the Jiuli Kingdom ran around like headless chickens, and no one knew where it was safe and where it was dangerous.

Finally, the first fireball that landed, when it was about to reach the ground, the fireball finally disappeared, revealing the true colors inside the fireball.

That's right, these fireballs that landed from the sky above Jiuli Star are exactly the aerospace planes of human civilization, because, in the war between human civilization and Sirius civilization, with the victory of human civilization, human civilization can finally charge itself The fruits of victory.

Therefore, human civilization will naturally not hesitate. With the arrival of diplomats and other officials sent by the Earth Federation, human civilization has finally begun to land on this planet, and the landing point is naturally the most powerful kingdom on this planet. , that is, the sky above the Jiuli Kingdom.

So when the huge body of the aerospace plane of human civilization finally appeared in the eyes of the king and ministers of the Jiuli Kingdom, the king and ministers of the Jiuli Kingdom were stunned again, because the existence of the aerospace plane has exceeded beyond their limited knowledge.

"Your Majesty, what is this? Could it be that heaven and man have really descended?"

"Heaven and man have descended to earth! Your Majesty the King."

At the same time, everyone in the capital of the Jiuli Kingdom turned their eyes to the sky, and everyone had a trace of piety on their faces. It was obvious that they regarded the aerospace planes of human civilization as It's an artifact from heaven and earth.

However, in fact, although what they think is not correct, if you think about it from another angle, what they think is also correct, because the civilization level of human civilization is several levels higher than their civilization, so for their civilization In other words, human civilization is God.

Soon, the aerospace plane arrived at the sky above the palace with a roaring sound, and began to descend, while the other aerospace planes also arrived at the sky above the palace one after another, and found the corresponding open space, and began to descend .

Seeing this situation, everyone in the entire Jiuli King's Palace looked at the sky respectfully, and some people even started to kneel. Even the king of the Jiuli Kingdom, although he wanted to maintain his dignity, he did not Kneeling, but his expression is also very respectful.

However, there are still some people in the entire palace who look at the sky plane in the sky without respect. On the contrary, these people's eyes are full of vigilance, because they don't guarantee that these things that come down from the sky are enemies or friends.

If it comes with good intentions, then everything is fine, but if the things that descend from the sky are enemies, it will be a disaster for their country, because they know very well that they have nothing to do with the enemies in the sky. of fighting back.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, the aerospace plane finally landed slowly on the ground of the Jiuli King Jiuli King's Palace. The gate of the aerospace plane also opened slowly after the aerospace plane landed. Skeleton armored soldiers of the Star Marine Corps swarmed out and came to the square in front of the palace hall, neatly lined up.

Although there are many people in the Jiuli Kingdom around them, and there are even many soldiers, they don't care about these people at all. You must know that the degree of civilization of Jiuli Star is only from bronze to iron. In the era, their soldiers used cold weapons, and it was impossible to pose any threat to soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor.

You know, in the Jiuli Kingdom, the most powerful weapon is a weapon like a bed crossbow, and a weapon like a bed crossbow may have a huge lethality in this case, but compared to being able to resist the attack every second For the exoskeleton armor of a small meteorite of more than ten kilometers, the bed crossbow is still not enough, so naturally I don't care.

At this time, other aerospace planes also landed, and a large number of soldiers also swarmed out of these aerospace planes, and came to the square outside the palace hall to gather, and soon the team of nearly 5,000 people had already arrived. After the assembly, the soldiers and ministers of the entire Jiuli Kingdom were shocked.

Because they are very clear at this time that the fate of their own people is no longer controlled by themselves, but in the hands of these heavenly beings. Even the soldiers in their palace have completely lost the courage to resist.

After all, this is not one or two heavenly beings! Among these artifacts, there are a total of 25,000 celestial beings with great supernatural powers! This is how they resist.

Just when the king and ministers of the Jiuli Kingdom were terrified and didn't know what to do, another celestial artifact landed in the sky, and the celestial artifact that landed this time was even more powerful than the previous ones. Those artifacts are smaller, but they are also more delicate and beautiful, and there is a sense of mystery surrounding the entire artifact.

Obviously, the aerospace plane that landed last was not the one that landed before. The body of this aerospace plane was much smaller, and this aerospace plane was no longer a member of the Star Marine Corps of the Earth Federation. Soldiers, but officials from the Federation responsible for incorporating Jiuli Star into human civilization. ,

In addition, as the commander of the first interstellar fleet of human civilization, Zhao Feng is also on this aerospace plane.

When the aerospace plane landed, Zhao Feng and the federal officials in charge of Jiulixing walked out of the aerospace plane, and unlike other soldiers, no matter whether it was the federal officials or Zhao Feng and others, there was no Instead of wearing exoskeleton armor, he only wore a special transparent chemical protective suit, or a special spacesuit.

Therefore, the clothes Zhao Feng and the others are wearing and their appearance can be clearly seen from the outside.

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