Chaoshen Technology Trading Mall

Chapter 82 Old Huang's Despair

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Lao Huang said directly: "In 1991, what happened! Is there a country that would dare to attack us in the future?"

Lao Huang heard that something was wrong with Wang Bin's tone. Regarding Lao Huang, he was very confident. He didn't think anything would happen to Huaxia, so apart from the internal reasons, only external factors remained. With the strength of Huaxia in the world, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of any country.

After all, in the world where Huang lived, Huaxia’s military power was definitely very strong. In the 1990s, when Wang Bin lived in the world, Huaxia’s military strength, especially the level of equipment, was still somewhat behind that of foreign countries, but the world where Lao Huang lived was different. Huaxia in the world where Lao Huang lives already has an aircraft carrier.

Although the number of aircraft carriers in Huaxia in the world where Lao Huang lives is not as many as Bald Eagles, the number of carrier-based aircraft on a single aircraft carrier and the combat effectiveness of a single fleet are definitely not inferior to Bald Eagles, so he really can't think of the number of aircraft carriers in his world. What kind of invincible enemy will Huaxia face!

"Just one year?" Hearing what Old Huang said, Wang Bin also fell into deep thought.

The world where Huang lives is still in the early 1990s, and China in that world is still in the pre-nuclear era, that is, the late stage of zero-level civilization. To be precise, the overall technological level should be around 0.7, although it is different from The level of science and technology in Wang Bin's world is still a little bit behind, but it's not that big.

But in the near future, on the land of Huaxia in the super god universe, or in other words on the entire earth, there will be a group of demons dancing wildly.

Various extraterrestrial civilizations will successively appear on the earth and on the land of China, first the gluttonous civilization, then the fierce sun civilization, then the angel and demon civilization, and then more alien civilizations came to the earth one after another.

What giant wolf civilization, what triangular civilization, etc., and the entire human civilization on the entire earth, in this war, the population will be directly halved just in the war with the gluttonous civilization, and this is even more so in China, not to mention Talk about the follow-up war.

This made Wang Bin feel very angry when he watched this animation at the beginning, but there is no way, in fact, the war in the old yellow world was doomed as early as thousands of years ago when the descendants of De Nuo came to the earth. These alien civilizations will invade the earth, because the genetic engineering in the hands of these Deno descendants is absolutely necessary for many civilizations.

"What's wrong with the owner?" Just as Wang Bin was thinking about the situation in the world where Lao Huang lived, Lao Huang saw that Wang Bin was silent, so he asked.

Then he said: "Shopkeeper, is China in my world really going to be invaded?"

"Yes! But it's not the invasion of other countries on the earth, because all countries on the earth will face the same situation at that time, the invasion of alien civilization!" Wang Bin said with a soft sigh!

"What! The invasion of alien civilization! How is this possible? Is there really an alien civilization? Why haven't we discovered the existence of aliens until now? At the same time, why did aliens invade the earth? I think Since these alien civilizations have entered the space age, their technological development must be very high, at least much higher than that of human civilization in our world, otherwise, I think they would not be able to come to Earth.

Since their level of civilization and technology is higher than that of human civilization in our world, what else should they care about for human civilization on our planet! population? "Old Huang obviously didn't believe it.

Of course, Wang Bin understands Lao Huang's behavior. In addition, Lao Huang is only in his thirties at this time. Although his current military rank is at least a colonel, he obviously has no ability to touch the top secrets of the country where he lives. If it was replaced by the real high-level executives of Huaxia in the world where he is, maybe he wouldn't say that.

"Old Huang, what I said is true. As far as I know, there are many alien civilizations in your world, including the Deno civilization, the Lieyang civilization, and the gluttonous civilization.

Giant wolf civilization, angels and demons, etc...

And among so many civilizations, some of them will be enemies that humans in your world will have to face!

At the same time, the existence of aliens is not unknown in your world. In fact, many people know that there are even aliens in your world, whether it is Huaxia in your world or a bald eagle! "Wang Bin said.

"What! There are so many alien civilizations, and there are aliens in the Huaxia world where I live, and many people know about them?" After hearing Wang Bin's words, Lao Huang's face changed drastically for a moment, what Wang Bin said He said that he never dreamed of it!

"Why! Since aliens already exist on the earth, and according to what you mean, these aliens have known the existence of the earth for a long time, but why didn't they come here sooner or later, why did they come here at this time?" Old Huang said!

After hearing Lao Huang's words, Wang Bin just wanted to speak and reveal some plots of their world, but before he could speak, the mall auxiliary system in his mind issued a warning to Wang Bin.

"Dear host, according to the rules of the technology mall, you are not allowed to reveal too much plot of the world they are in to the guests, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble!"

Hearing the warning from the system, Wang Bin originally wanted to directly explain to Lao Huang that the alien civilizations in his world were about to invade the earth civilization, and at the same time, he also wanted to tell him directly that Ducao and others in their world were alien civilizations. He also wants to tell him the purpose of alien civilizations invading the earth. But now he knew that he could no longer reveal more to Lao Huang.

So he had no choice but to say: "Old Huang! I can't tell you more things about your world in the future, because I have received warnings from the system, but Lao Huang, there is one thing you must keep in mind, that is, in the past few years, you We must improve our military strength as much as possible. Although compared with these aliens, human civilization with existing technology, no matter how strong the military is, the result will not change much, unless it is the human civilization of your world. , Entering the space age, only in this way, maybe the result will be better."

After hearing Wang Bin's words, Lao Huang's complexion became even worse. According to Wang Bin, even if the current technology of human civilization has reached the level of astronautic civilization, it will not be able to deal with the invasion war of alien civilization in the future. There is no good way, and the result will not change, which makes Lao Huang a little desperate.

You must know that the technological advancement of the world he lives in is still a long way from an aerospace-grade civilization! What's more, space-level civilization is so easy to achieve!

Just when Lao Huang was feeling desperate, Wang Bin spoke again.

"But you don't need to worry too much, Old Huang. Humans in your world have the possibility of defeating alien civilizations. As long as they can grow up, it may not be a bad thing for humans.

What's more, that was the original situation, but it's different now. Since you, Lao Huang, have become a plane merchant in your universe, you can enter the technology mall and trade with people from various universes, so the result may not necessarily be unchangeable! " Wang Bin said!

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