Chaotic Lightning Cultivation

: Section 933 kills Wan Jun

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The ninth three hundred and thirty-three killing of the army

The ninth three hundred and thirty-three killing of the army

Vishnu's hand is a colorful snail. There are numerous avatars on the top. They all pray in prayer, and a majestic Buddha mén is full of compassion. Anyone who is big and evil is in it. In front of me, I can't help but regret my sin!

Shiva holds a clay pot, which looks tattered and unremarkable, but it has a unique atmosphere, that is, gentle and quiet, full of tyranny, and very contradictory. m free online novel expert

Song Zhongyi knows that this is the famous Ganges water tank in the Western Pure Land. It is filled with the most famous holy water Ganges in the Western Pure Land. This river itself is a contradiction. When it is docile, it has nurtured countless people on both sides of the strait. When it is angry, it has caused floods and destroyed everything.

Vishnu and compassionate snails, Shiva's Ganges water tanks are the most famous treasures in the West. Their power is no less than that of candle lanterns, and Fusang ancient wood, which is a little worse than the seven-story treasure tree.

These two powerful sacred devices are held in the hands of the two peers of Vishnu and Shiva. The power of their combination can be countered by the Supreme Artifact.

However, when seeing Vishnu and Shiva, Song Zhong not only did not fear, but was extremely disdainful: "Hey! Do you think that you can compete with me by your two firewood? It is so naive, Today, I will let you know that I am amazing!"

After that, Song Zhong raised his hand directly and sacrificed the supreme artifact, hún chaotic clock!

At this time, the hún chaotic clock, the appearance of a huge change, the middle of the big bell in the sky, a piece of white yù, full of infinite meaning, is the famous yù牒.

In addition, hún chaotic clock Shanghai has a huge lotus huāhuā pattern, constantly exuding the amount of robbery, it is the hún chaotic clock after the creation of the **** of the gods, evolved.

Since the absorption of the creation of yù牒 and the creation of the gods, hún chaotic clock not only completely restored the state of the previous heyday, but also greatly enhanced the power, become extremely powerful, has long become the first deserved artifact.

Nowadays, hún chaos clock appears again in front of everyone, shining and scenting. In particular, the Taoist meaning of the creation of yù牒 and the amount of robbing of the creation of the gods have a kind of temperament.

Even Shiva and Vishnu, who are holding heavy treasures, are extremely weak in the face of the terrible momentum of the hún chaos. They have to push the treasures to resist. m free online novel expert

~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Seeing his own supreme artifact, the creation of the gods, appeared on the hún chaotic clock, and Vishnu and Shiva suddenly became shocked.

Vishnu couldn't help but exclaimed, "Creation God Lotus? It, how did it go to hún?"

The Shiva next to him looked at the white y ù , , , , , , , , , , , , 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊 震惊

"Of course, after I wiped out the Great Brahma!" Song Zhong immediately sneered aloud: "The two come from afar, Song Zhong is not satisfied, today, use hún chaotic clock to entertain you! Come here, After tasting the hún chaotic clock and integrating the creation of the gods, the super supernatural power evolved, and the sound of the gods is innumerable!"

Say, Song Zhong’s right hand is full of infinite golden light, and then press the hún chaotic clock!

Later, everyone heard a loud bang, and then the creation of the gods huā on the hún chaotic clock suddenly burst into a horrible gray sè, with countless space-time universe destroying the creation of the scene, like a tsunami, Sweep thousands of miles into the space and pounce on Vishnu and Shiva!

Both Vishnu and Shiva are familiar with the creation of Shenlian. When they look at the breath, they immediately recognize that it is the unique magical power of the creation of the gods, and it is still strengthened by the hún chaos. Over, it is equivalent to the power of two pieces of the supreme artifact.

And their combination, under the impression of the creation of yù牒, the effect of the explosion of xìng growth, the power is not limited to two pieces of supreme artifacts, especially in the hands of the Song Sheng, the super saint, is even more powerful!

Although Vishnu and Shiva have noticed that they are not right, they cannot afford to dodge. They can only resist as much as possible.

I saw Vishnu’s compassionate snails bursting out of infinite Buddha light, and Hao’s compassionate power formed a light group in the sound of the chanting that filled the heavens and the earth, completely wrapping Vishnu and Shiva.

The Shiva is more violent, and the Ganges water tank in his hand only sees a shake, pouring out the giant sky làng, wrapped in endless sacred power, forming a tens of thousands of feet of tsunami, rushing against the breath past.

However, under the horror power of the Supreme Artifact, the Ganges water tank and the compassionate snail are obviously not opponents.

In just one moment, the holy water of the sky was flooded and swallowed by the breath of innumerable mass robbery. Subsequently, they directly smashed the light group of the compassionate snail.

When Vishnu and Shiva saw it, it was naturally shocking. They rushed to display dozens of fascinating esoteric esoteric esoteric essays, and they were barely able to offset the power of innumerable robbing.

Despite this, both of them were shot hundreds of thousands of miles under the terrible power of mass robbery, and they were all hurt. The cockroaches of their bodies have become ruined, and the blood of the Buddha's blood slowly flows out from the corner of his mouth, which is extremely miserable!

~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Seeing this scene, everyone on the scene couldn’t help but scream!

You must know that Vishnu and Shiva are not ordinary people, but real ancient saints, and they are hard to find a top master in the world. Today, it was hit hard by Song Zhong, which is simply unbelievable!

Vishnu and Shiva have not been so humiliated in this life, and their injuries are still second. The key is that their face and majesty are swept away by the son of Song Zhong. This is really making them sad and angry!

At this time, Song Zhong did not forget to ridicule: "Oh, I thought you guys are so powerful, I dare to beat me to my house, but unexpectedly, you are a bunch of waste!"

Vishnu and Shiva heard the words, and they almost vomited blood.

Shiva couldn't help but yell, "Song Zhongyu o, it's crazy, if you don't have a hún chaos, how could it be our opponent?"

"Hey!" Song Zhong sneered and screamed: "I have a hún chaotic clock. Don't you also have a creation **** lotus? You can take it out, let's make a comparison?"

"You~" Shiva was half-dead by Song Zhong on the spot.

The creation of Shenlian is clearly integrated by hún, and where are they going to find it?

At this time, Vishnu, who was still calculating and calming down, first calmed down. He suddenly put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, Song Shizhu, today we have cultivated the Buddha, we will have a period!"

After that, Vishnu directly ordered: "The whole army retreat!"

When Song Zhong saw it, he immediately sneered: "Where are you here? If you want to come, you want to go and leave? How can it be so cheap!"

After that, Song Zhong once again offered hún's chaotic clock, and said: "You **** things, since they are here, leave me aside!"

When I heard the words of Song Zhong, I saw him screaming a terrible hún chaotic clock. When he was wet, he changed his face and knew that the big things were not good. He hurriedly said: "Song Zhong, there is a good discussion, we are willing to apologize for compensation. !"

"Hey!" Song Zhong sneered directly: "Let's come here, I don't apologize, I just kill!"

After that, Song Zhong did not hesitate to take a shot on the hún chaotic clock, and shouted: "Look at me, turn the voice!"

As Song Zhong’s voice fell, it sounded like the sound of the Taoist voice that came from the beginning of the heavens and the earth, and it suddenly broke out.

This sound is a kind of peerless magical power created by the power of the yin, which is the power of the gods of the gods. It doesn't matter if it is just a ringing sound, but it actually contains infinite meaning!

After the Shenyin blooms, the people on the side of Song Zhong are suddenly shocked by the mysterious rhyme contained in the voice, and directly enter the enlightenment mood. Many people have a colorful light, which is obviously a long-term realm. A breakthrough.

For his own people, this sacred voice is almost comparable to the scorpio, and it is wonderful to be able to enlighten the heavens!

But for the enemies of Song Zhong, this sacred voice becomes extremely terrible. Wherever the voice of the gods passes, whether it is a stupa or a magical cave, whether it is the sorghum inside or the big devil, there is no An exception is treated as a decomposition, turning into a group of sè.

Hundreds of thousands of pagodas tens of thousands of magic caves, as well as hundreds of thousands of Ashura's blood rivers at the same time decomposed, the explosion of smoke instantly filled the space of millions of miles, forming a large incomparable The thick color of the clouds, and drifting around, even the top of the heavens on the side of the head, are also covered in smoke.

The crowd began to think that the smoke was poisonous, and when they were shocked by the metamorphosis of the hún chaotic clock, they all released the body of the gods to avoid being poisoned by the fog.

However, what happened next did directly put everyone on the spot in a petrochemical state.

It turned out that with the arrival of the smoke, the sky suddenly began to rain. Only this time is not the water, but endless, all kinds of, cherish the unusual materials.

Wannian fire yù, Thunder God drill, the best fairy crystal, hún Yuan Tianmu, colorful coral, Wanlian **** Xuantie, Taikoo Zijin, etc., six, seven, or even eight, nine materials, completely Just like not wanting money, from the sky, it’s all over the place.

Looking at the millions of miles around, there are all kinds of colorful materials. The people in the heavens, even those who are the heavenly emperors, are all sluggish on the spot, completely speechless!

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