Chaotic Lightning Cultivation

: Section 937 3 Protoss

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, "Blood sacrifice device?". The online novel Song Zhong heard the words. Suddenly, I hurriedly asked: "What is that?"

"The blood sacrifice device is a kind of **** object that is completely opposite to the supreme artifact." The Western Queen Mother explained: "The supreme artifact, representing the will of heaven, can fully exert the power of the law of heaven, so the power is endless! ".

"And the blood banquets are the metamorphos of refining for the purpose of destroying the heavens. They have their own unique will, which is completely different from the laws of heaven, and even the opposite." The Western Queen continued." When things are refining, they are extremely cruel, and can even be called metamorphosis. However, after refining, it has the power to compete with the heavens, so the power is very abnormal. Absolutely no less than the supreme artifact! . .

,"what?". Song Zhongwen said, immediately surprised: "There is still such a thing? If so. Then why does the Buddha do not come out earlier?".

"The blood sacrifice device, against the heavens and the ruins. For the heavens and the road is not tolerant, as long as it appears, it must be baptized by heaven. So in the fairy world, the heaven and the power can be the most prosperous. The blood sacrifice device can not be made, it is difficult to display, Must have the supreme artifact 〗 〖The town is pressed... Western Queen Mother: "Otherwise, the blood sacrifice device will counter the Lord. ".

"So, in the case of the loss of the creation of the gods, the blood banquet of Buddhism can only be sealed in the pure land of Buddhism... West Queen Mother: "The Western Buddhism is different from my oriental fairyland", although there are also heavens. The power of the law is weak. Therefore, Buddhism can refine the blood sacrifice devices and give full play to their power! . .

After Song Zhong listened, the brow was slightly wrinkled. The road "" Since they need the supreme artifact 〖the town〗 pressure can be used to display, then the Buddha door now has no supreme artifact, is it impossible to use it? . .

"Of course not!". Xi Wangmu explained: "The blood sacrifice ban can be infinite, but it is also fierce. So you need the supreme artifact〗 〖The pressure. It will be honestly obedient. However, in the absence of the supreme artifact, it can also be sacrificed. Temporary access to the full use of blood sacrifices! Only this price is a bit higher."

"How high is it?. Song Zhong asked."

"One St. Nine King Kong!.. Western Queen Mother's heavy road: "That is to say, it is necessary to sacrifice a saint, and the nine emperors of the Emperor" can completely control a blood sacrifice. However, this is only temporary, even if so many master sacrifices, you can only control the blood sacrifice device for about a thousand years. After the millennium. The sacrificed person will be completely assimilated by the blood sacrifice device, thus becoming one of the fierce and good spirits!

"Isn't it?. Song Zhongwen's words" was shocked: "A sacrifice of a holy nine gold can only be used for a thousand years? How is this blood sacrifice device so abnormal?", "Of course metamorphosis." West Queen Mother. "If you know how they are refining," you certainly won't say that! ".

When Zhong Yi listened, he immediately came to the interest and asked: "How do you refine this thing?"

"Refining a blood banquet, you need a place to go to the Holy Land. Then sacrifice a whole Protoss!... The king of the West Queen said: "One. No less than the powerful protoss of today's immortals, including our saints! . .

"What?, after Song Zhong listened," was shocked. I couldn't help but exclaimed.

The immortals, in fact, refer to all races in the fairy world. Regardless of the Yaozu, the Terran is still other. All included.

Even the Western Queen, Song Zhong, the Houtes, and several other saints are included.

Sacrifice so many strong hands in one breath. Can the power be invariable? No wonder that this thing, even the stable West Queen and the elders have a feeling of fear. The feelings are metamorphosed to the extreme.

However, Song Zhong soon woke up, and then frowned: "Is it wrong? Isn’t the Western Pure Land a Buddhism family? Where can they find a powerful Protoss to refine the blood sacrifice? And also Three pieces of tone refining?", "The East Emperor did not know!", Xi Wangmu immediately explained: "The Western Pure Land, in fact, the area is similar to our Oriental fairy world, and even bigger. We have demon people in the Eastern fairy world. Terrans, Chaos Giants and other powerful races, how can the Western Pure Land appear only one Buddhist monk?

"Good!. The elders couldn't help but interject: "In fact, in the Taikoo period, when the Yaozu informed the fairyland, there were four protoss in the Western Pure Land, namely the Tianren, the Jingang, Moco. Family and Buddhism. . .

"At that time, the strength of Buddhism was the lowest. If it was the creation of the Supreme Artifact, it would have been destroyed many times!" The Western Queen Mother continued. "But now, the four Protoss have only one Buddha family. The other three protoss were destroyed, and they were made into three blood banquets by the Buddha. They are the tears of the gods, and the golden heart and Moko! . .

"Isn't that tribe too weak?. Song Zhong couldn't help but frown: "How can it be eliminated so easily?" . .

"Their tribes are not weak, you don't know how powerful they are." Xi Wangmu then explained: "I will come to you to talk about it. First of all, the Terran, they look like humans, the wings are born, the stronger the strength, the more wings, the 18 wings are the saints ".

"The Tianren people are weaker in body, but they are born with a powerful god." They are best at mental assault, and those with lesser strength will be directly destroyed by them and become the shackles they control. Xi Wangmu said: "So the number of the Terran is not particularly large, but everyone has a strong army, and they have a total of eighteen saints. The strength is in the pure land of the West, which is the deserved number one."

"Wow, what about this eyebrow?". Song Zhong was a little surprised.

"Of course!" The elders interjected: "After the death of the Heavenly Terran, the body will decay, but the skull will become a crystal skull. Immortal, it is the best material for refining the treasures of the gods! It can be seen how abnormal their gods are! . .

"Ah, I seem to have heard of the Crystal Skull. It seems that the present value is not worse than the innate material!. Song Zhong is somewhat surprised."

"It is true that the Terran has become extinct. The crystal skulls are naturally precious, and their powerful use is also appropriate." West Queen Mother.

"The original!! Song Zhong nodded, then asked again: "What about the King Kong? What mountain are they? .

"The King Kong is a giant protoss, and the height is tens of thousands of feet. Their physical strength is almost no less than your chaotic giants, the most powerful **** of the Western Pure Land..." said Wang Ximu: This Protoss is invulnerable. The technique is hard to hurt, but it is powerful, and it can almost break any protection! Therefore, their fighting power is very strong, second only to the Terran. . .

The elders continued: "The reason why the Emperor of Buddhism is called King Kong is because the Protoss is too powerful to be quoted by them. Say, if it is not your chaotic giants, chaos Shen Lei, this metamorphosis of Leifa, maybe you may not be able to maintain the title of invincible in the same level."

"King Kong Giant? It is really interesting!. Song Zhong has some pity: "Unfortunately, I have no chance to see it, I am afraid they have also been killed." . , "It is true, the King Kong who has seventeen saints. It is the first Protoss that was destroyed by the Buddha..! West Queen is helpless: "Now the King Kong is extinct, you can never see again." La! ".

"Unfortunately, it's a pity." Song Zhong shook his head helplessly. Then said: "Where is the last kind of demon?", "The devil is a blond, looks like a dragon, looks very beautiful, but the temperament is very cruel.", West Queen explained: "Moco people are good at manipulating Light, while forming a terrorist attack, can also create extremely illusory illusions, even if they are one level higher than them, they are likely to be confused and thus easily killed by them."

"The Moko family has a total of the old saints", each of them is powerful, so they become the third sagittal protoss. West Queen Mother ~ ~ Each of the three protoss has more than a dozen saints sitting, But the Buddha is only three saints, how can they be destroyed? Song Zhong is incomprehensible.

"Oh, you may have forgotten it." At that time, it was a time when the mighty was like a cloud and there were many saints. At the time, Buddhism had the old saints, known as the Eighteen Arhats! . . Xi Wang Ma Dao: "Just in the back of the war, the saints are mostly damaged, and the Buddha Gate only saves the next three.... The Western Queen explained.

"Oh, pity those holy people, one by one, self-cultivation, and do not take the danger seriously. As a result, in the subsequent hundreds of thousands of years of fratricidalism, one by one is finished. We are still good in the east. There are dozens of holy people in the fire, there are still a few left, almost ten save one. And the West side. If it is not a Buddhist one, it must be completely destroyed! Even so, dozens of saints will also be three The big elders shook their heads.

"In any case, Buddhism is the last winner." Xiwang Ma Dao ""The three protoss who failed were completely extinct, the holy land they originated, and all the masters were sacrificed as the three blood sacrifices. . . West Queen Mother. "There is such a powerful Protoss. The origin of the Holy Land itself must be very good. Plus every blood banquet has more than a dozen saints refining, and many equivalent of the Emperor. Then, this can finally be refined into a blood sacrifice device that can counter the heavens!!!!~!

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