Chaotic Sword God

Volume Two, Chapter 238: On the Eve of Siege

Chapter 238: On the Eve of Siege

The news that the wave of monsters had begun to attack the city was quickly spread throughout the entire city of Wacker under the publicity of the city lord's mansion. Immediately, the people in the whole city began to boil. As soon as the news came out, he led the brothers in the regiment and set off towards the gate of Wacker City.

Although the upcoming fight made the atmosphere of the whole city somewhat dignified, there were still many people with passion on their faces.

And Jian Chen also left the City Lord's Mansion immediately, and then returned to the Kai family assembly team, leading more than a hundred members of the Raging Flame Mercenary Group, including the seven Great Saint Masters, to rush towards the city gate. go.

Along the way, the caravan carrying the carts and goods was completely gone. Only the mercenaries all over the street were marching in the same direction, and many of them had expressions of excitement on their faces. , this time the warcraft siege, the mercenary union stationed in Wacker City also issued a task, as long as you can remove the left ear of a warcraft, you can get corresponding money rewards according to the level of the warcraft, the left ear of the harvested warcraft The more money you get, the richer the money reward you will get. Therefore, although the siege of Warcraft City in Wacker City is extremely dangerous, and you may lose your life if you don't pay attention to it, under the temptation of money, it still attracts many people. People who are not afraid of death.

However, this money is only paid by the City Lord's Mansion. Although it will be a large amount, due to the terrain, Wacker City is very close to the Warcraft Mountains, and the transaction of the magic core is also very large, so Wacker City also It is quite rich, otherwise, it would not be possible to build this city wall with a defense that is comparable to that of a first-tier city.

When Jian Chen led more than a hundred people from the Lie Yan Mercenary Group to a distance of more than a thousand meters from the city gate, they could no longer move forward because there were too many people gathered here. The road is almost completely blocked.

Seeing this, Jian Chen took a step back, and said to the seven Great Saint Masters behind him: "Come and clear the way!" These seven Great Saint Masters all have certain reputations in Wacker City, and many people recognize them , Let them clear the way, very few people will not give them face, besides, this time seven people walked together at the same time, the deterrent effect will be even greater.

The seven Great Saint Masters and Jian Chen changed positions, and at the same time released their aura, Duo Kang said: "Brothers in front, please step aside!" Then, forming an invisible sharp sword, it gently inserted into the crowd in front of it, and used its huge momentum to draw the dense crowd in front of it to both sides.

"Hey, isn't this the head of the Golden Dragon Mercenary Group? I didn't expect him to come..."

"That's the leader of the Blood Mercenary Corps..."

"It is said that they have disbanded their mercenary group and joined a small mercenary group called Lie Yan. I don't know if this is true..."

As soon as the seven Great Saint Masters appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of many people around them, and there was a lot of discussion immediately.

Jian Chen mingled in the large team behind him and followed the seven Great Saint Masters and walked towards the city gate without attracting anyone's attention. Just when Jian Chen and his group were 500 meters away from the city wall, There was a commotion in front of them suddenly, and a group of soldiers in armor was walking towards Jian Chen and the others, and the leader Shiran was Commander Dolly.

"Hehe, little brother Jian Chen, the city lord and the envoy are waiting for you on the city wall, let me guide you." Duo Li, who led the way all the way, spotted Jian Chen, and said in an extremely polite tone.

Hearing that Jian Chen walked out of the crowd and came to Dolly, he smiled and said, "Then I will trouble Commander Dolly."

Afterwards, under the astonished gazes of countless people around, Jian Chen, accompanied by Commander Dolly, walked towards the city wall ahead.

The city wall of Wacker City was built according to the standards of a first-class city. It is more than 40 meters high and more than 20 meters wide. On the city wall, there are already soldiers and some mercenaries in different costumes, but The mercenaries who can go here are not those who have strong strength in Wacker City, but some powerful mercenaries, and there are more than 30 magic crystal cannons on the walls of the city wall. Standing apart, five soldiers and a large iron box full of magic cores stood beside each magic crystal cannon.

Commander Dolly directly brought Jian Chen to City Lord Yunli, who had already changed his clothes and was staring at the front with a solemn face, and beside him stood several middle-aged men, all of whom were from Wacker City. Some celebrities, and the two envoys were standing at a distance in black robes at the moment, not talking to anyone, even if some people took the initiative to talk to them, the two envoys would ignore them.

"My lord, what is the current situation with respect to monsters?" Jian Chen came to the side of City Lord Yunli and said softly.

City Lord Yunli stared straight ahead, with a serious expression on his face, and said: "The situation is very bad, this time the wave of monsters is much more than the number of monsters attacking the city in the past, little brother Jianchen, look Well, there are tens of thousands of monsters, there are really too many."

Hearing this, the expression on Jian Chen's face also became a little serious, and then he raised his eyes to look, and saw a black mass of monsters slowly walking towards Wacker City in the distance, the number of them was innumerable, and they were very have discipline.

Seeing this scene, Jian Chen's eyes froze. For a monster with low intelligence to move forward in such a disciplined manner, it must be controlled by a fifth-level monster. After all, a fifth-level monster already possessed a certain amount of intelligence. It is far from being comparable to humans, but it is also enough to control Warcraft to do this earlier.

"This time the monster siege seems a bit weird, City Master Yunli, I remember that when the monsters attacked the city before, a large number of monsters rushed towards the city wall recklessly. How could it be possible to keep such a disciplined pace." A white-haired old man standing beside City Lord Yunli said, his tone full of dignity.

"That's right. I also participated in the last time Wacker City was facing the tide of Warcraft. There is indeed something wrong this time." A middle-aged man was speaking, and the middle-aged man frowned tightly. A trace of worry.

Following the words of the two, the rest of the people standing beside City Lord Yunli also expressed their doubts. Those who can stand here are not simple people, and they have already seen the situation from this scene alone. Something is wrong.

Seeing that everyone noticed the strangeness of the matter, City Lord Yunli knew that it would be useless to keep concealing this matter, so he simply said: "Everyone, to be honest, there will be fifth-order monsters appearing in this wave of monsters." , This is a severe test for us in Wacker City."

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