Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 944: Control the Emperor's Artifact

Jian Chen and Nubis continued to walk down, but the passage to the seventh floor was blocked by a stone gate with a very strong defense. The material of this stone gate is exactly the same as the door of the treasure room on the second floor. , it took a long time for dozens of saint kings from the Nine Heavens Realm to cast the heaven-level battle holy law and more than twenty people to break it.

"I don't know if I can break through this stone gate with my current strength." Jian Chen murmured in a low voice, and immediately took out the emperor's holy soldier from the space ring, and the power of chaos in his body poured into the holy soldier, and immediately let the emperor The black light of the holy soldier soared into the sky, and the energy aura full of destructive aura filled the entire hall.

Nubis' complexion changed slightly, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back, but he was secretly shocked. Jian Chen didn't use the emperor's holy soldiers, and his strength was already stronger than him. The power made him feel a huge pressure.

Jian Chen at this moment gave Nubis a feeling of invincibility.

"In just a few years, Jian Chen's strength has reached this level. According to his speed of progress, I am afraid that within a hundred years, or even only a few decades, he will be able to become the supreme powerhouse of the Holy Emperor realm." Nubi Sis thought to himself.

Jian Chen's eyes were sharp, his body and sword were united, and the emperor's holy soldier in his hand stabbed at the very center of Shimen with a powerful chaotic power like lightning.


With the loud roar, there was immediately a violent aftermath of energy raging in all directions, hitting the walls on the edge of the palace, causing the palace to tremble slightly.

The power of Jian Chen's blow is already equivalent to that of an unparalleled powerhouse in the realm of the fifth heaven of the Holy Emperor. The tip of the sword has been inserted into the stone gate, and a small crack has appeared around it, covering the entire stone gate.

Jian Chen forcefully pulled out the emperor's holy soldier from the stone gate, and another sword struck the stone gate with a vast and huge power.

Shimen began to tremble slightly, and the cracks on it became denser and thicker.

Afterwards, Jian Chen's third, fourth, and fifth swords followed closely. After five powerful attacks, he finally broke the stone gate. He saw that the sturdy stone gate had turned into a sky of gravel toward the The rear lasing away.

Jian Chen took his sword and stood with a faint smile on his face. If he had met this Shimen a few years ago, he would have absolutely no chance of cracking it, even if he had joined forces with dozens of saint kings in the Nine Heavens Realm. , In addition, it will take a long time for more than twenty people to use the heaven-level combat movement technique to break it.

And now, he can easily break this stone gate with just five strikes, which makes him very satisfied with his current strength.

Jian Chen and Nubis walked down the seventh floor. A few years ago, they walked here, and every step they took, they had to worry about it, but now they are walking with great fanfare, and they are not afraid of any hidden formations. Because these formations can no longer trap the two of them, and they can't even stop their progress. Jian Chen can easily crack them with just one blow.

Jian Chen and Nubis walked down from the ninth floor of the palace layer by layer, searching for traces of the emperor's artifacts, and soon came to the first floor of the palace, and then walked directly through the gate of the palace.

The enchantment in the palace still exists, covering the entire palace, and outside lay the corpses of some sea clan powerhouses.

Jian Chen and Nubis joined forces to break the barrier, blasting the barrier through a crack and walking out.

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

Just when the two of them just walked out of the barrier, a dull sound came from the front, accompanied by a strong energy fluctuation.

The eyes of Jian Chen and Nubis suddenly lit up, and they had already guessed in their hearts that this movement must have been caused by the emperor's artifact, and it was still bombarding the gate of the temple at this moment.

"As expected, this divine artifact of the emperor really came outside." Jian Chen's eyes were full of fiery heat, and he immediately flew away in the direction from which the voice came.

Since the palace is shrouded by a barrier, the barrier has the ability to isolate sound, so that the sound from outside cannot be transmitted at all. Therefore, when Jian Chen and the two were inside the palace, there was no movement outside. I heard the huge movement made by the imperial artifact outside.

Jian Chen and Nubis both used the fastest speed to fly in the temple, and as the distance continued to approach, the huge beast roar gradually entered their ears.

Soon, Jian Chen and Nubis came to the direction of the gate of the temple, only to see a thirty-meter-long imperial artifact suspended in the air dozens of meters high and constantly impacting the closed gate, and below, Several ferocious beasts with the strength in the Holy Emperor's Fifth Heavenly Layer roared again and again, constantly opening their mouths to bite at the emperor's artifact, but they were flexibly avoided by the emperor's artifact, and they didn't touch the emperor's artifact at all.

The bodies of these beasts were covered with ferocious and terrifying wounds, and the blood flowing from their bodies had dyed their bodies red, apparently injured by the emperor's divine weapon.

"Imperial Divine Artifact, I finally found you." Jian Chen's face showed ecstasy, the power of chaos circulated in the body, spread all over the body, maximized the defensive power of the body of chaos, and then instantly cast thousands of illusions, the body It turned into an afterimage and swept toward the imperial artifact like lightning.

The Emperor Divine Tool obviously noticed Jian Chen, and immediately stopped attacking the gate. The sword tip turned and turned into a phantom. It fled to the distance at a lightning-fast speed, and finally broke the knot that enveloped the palace. The world, one headed into the palace and disappeared.

"Where to escape." Jian Chen shouted loudly, his body turned into an afterimage and immediately chased after him. In the blink of an eye, he crossed several kilometers. Holding the emperor's holy soldiers, he broke the path that was broken by the emperor and the emperor and was about to heal. The crack in the barrier expanded, and then he also plunged into the barrier and disappeared into the palace.

Jian Chen chased the emperor's artifact all the way, from the first floor of the palace to the ninth floor, and just after reaching the ninth floor, the emperor's artifact dexterously avoided Jian Chen's claws, and then rushed from the ninth floor to the first floor. After breaking the barrier, he returned to the temple.

Jian Chen swept out of the crack in the barrier that was broken open by the divine weapon of the emperor, and then a golden light shot out from his eyebrows and fell into his hands, and he had already taken out the holy weapon.

Jian Chen threw the holy artifact into the air and said, "Artifact spirit, you are hiding here. Once the emperor's artifact flies out, you will immediately find a way to put it in the space." After speaking, Jian Chen didn't care about the holy artifact. The weapon was gone, and he continued to chase after the imperial artifact.

The holy artifact was suspended in mid-air, and the golden brilliance it radiated gradually disappeared. Immediately, the size was also shrinking rapidly, and finally the exquisite little tower the size of a thumb fell to the ground, with the help of a corpse as a cover.

Jian Chen chased the emperor's artifact and scurried around the temple. Due to the practice of Shun Ying Qian Huan Body, a long afterimage had been dragged behind his body. The vicious beast was chasing after him, constantly roaring.

When the imperial artifact flew towards the palace again, the holy artifact hidden in the dark finally took action. I saw that the golden pagoda instantly turned into a huge pagoda dozens of meters tall, emitting a dazzling golden light, and then a portal suddenly appeared in the emperor. On the only way for the artifact, I want to wait for the emperor's artifact to automatically get in.

However, things backfired. When the thousand troops were fired, the speed of the imperial artifact's advance came to an abrupt halt, but it stopped abruptly, and did not get into the holy artifact space. Obviously, for the encounter a few years ago, it still did not forget.

However, after such a delay, Jian Chen, who was behind, finally caught up with the Emperor's Divine Artifact. His palm was already wrapped in a thick layer of Chaos Power, and he tightly protected the Emperor's Divine Artifact's thick hilt from behind.

The emperor's artifact began to vibrate violently, making a crisp sword cry, and a layer of powerful sword energy shot out, wrapping Jian Chen's entire body, and constantly attacking Jian Chen with his own sword energy. .

The clothes on Jian Chen's body instantly turned into strands of rags, and white marks appeared on his body, all of which were caused by the sword energy of the emperor's artifact.

The third layer of the Chaos Body makes Jian Chen's body strong enough to resist the attacks of the strong in the Holy Emperor's triple heaven realm. Although the emperor's artifact is powerful, under the control of no one, it has already caused a lot of damage to Jian Chen.

Jian Chen let out a loud cry, and the power of chaos in the body was continuously injected into the emperor's artifact. With the injection of the power of chaos, the emperor's artifact was gradually suppressed, and the sword energy shot out of the sword body began to weaken rapidly, and finally completely It disappeared, and the brilliance of the emperor's artifact itself became more and more dim, and was slowly replaced by a layer of black light full of destructive aura.

The imperial artifact completely quieted down and was completely controlled by Jian Chen. At the same time, Jian Chen also sensed the existence of a wisp of primordial spirit from the emperor's sacred instrument. This wisp of primordial spirit was very weak and seemed to be falling into a deep sleep.

"The emperor's artifact is so spiritual, it seems that most of it is because of the existence of the primordial spirit. It should be the holy emperor of the human race who left the emperor's artifact." Jian Chen suddenly felt in his heart, and also understood the previous actions of the emperor's artifact. , is entirely the instinct generated by that ray of primordial spirit, an instinct to avoid danger, not deliberately.

"Make me smaller." Jian Chen snorted, and saw that the emperor's divine weapon, which was more than 30 meters long, began to shrink rapidly, and turned into a four-foot-long, two-finger-wide long sword. Exudes great coercion.

"Jian Chen, you finally succeeded in taking control of this imperial artifact." Nubis ran over from a distance and said excitedly. With the help of the emperor's artifact, they will be more confident in breaking the central door. big.

Jian Chen's face was also filled with joy, and immediately waved his hand, and suddenly a shocking sword qi shot out, shooting towards the barrier at the speed of lightning.

The sword qi collided with the enchantment, and the enchantment melted into a big hole silently, and then the sword qi continued to shoot towards the palace without any loss of momentum.

"Boom." With a violent roar, the entire palace began to tremble violently. Not only the palace, but the entire temple was greatly affected and began to shake slightly.

"This imperial artifact has an innate restraint on the enchantment, and the defense of the enchantment will be weakened a lot in front of the emperor's artifact." Jian Chen's eyes were shocked, and then his heart was full of ecstasy.

"Oh my God, Jian Chen, the power of your blow has at least reached the realm of the sixth level of the Holy Emperor, or even the seventh level of the Holy Emperor." Nubis' expression was full of shock.

PS: The first chapter is here, the second chapter everyone is reading in the morning, the update is late,

{floating astronomy

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