Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1007 Mind

When collecting ice arrows, Ye Hao found that these water elements were not simply gathered together. When these water elements are aligned, they are aligned into a small magical array, and then they form ice arrows, likewise. If there are more water elements in this spell, the more powerful the spell will be.

Ignoring the secret love behind Ye Hao, what is interested in Ye Hao now is why simply singing a simple song, and then adding the influence of his own energy, will these magic elements be immediately arranged into this magic array? It's too simple, and while the magic is simple, it's just the most basic of magic.

In the end, the magic array and the main characters in the memory are actually almost the same thing, but the use of energy is different. There are not only several kinds of energy in the world, but tens of thousands of them, and they are all just general classifications. Energy cannot be single.

Like other monks like Ye Hao, monks like Ye Hao absorb the complex energy between heaven and earth, and all the energy is absorbed into the body, and the process of practice is to purify these energies. When the energy in your body is low, You have less energy in your body. Then the purity of your energy will be higher.

The higher the purity of your energies, the more energy types you can affect when you cast spells using those energies. The monks think that the purity of energy in the bodies of Ye Hao is high enough, because Ye Hao is too low to distinguish the difference of energy in the body, so Ye Hao feel pure.

As your divine mind is lifted, you will again feel the energy in your body being cleansed and cleansed once again. This is the process of practicing! It is the realm that affects the mind of God! This is why monks pay attention to the realm! The Ye Haos discovered the connection between these things almost immediately.

When Ye Hao thought about it, there was an elusive memory in his mind, and it all had something to do with it, and there was a strange moment with that weird face. But Ye Hao didn't know what kind of person he would become. Aren't all monks mindful of innocence and innocence? Can Ye Hao be considered widows?

After reading a few more incantations, I understood these basic magics. The magic array composed of elements in the air is the simplest, and the difference between magics is not very big. Compared with the current gods, these magic powers are almost The moment was recorded.

Memorize these magic lines and start testing again, these magics are fun, but don't want to use magic to read those super cool spells every time. If people in the north know that Ye Hao will say this kind of magic spell, I wonder if Ye Hao will kill Ye Hao.

Thinking of this, Ye Hao's god immediately started to act, Ye Hao's god thought, the energy inside almost flowed out slightly, countless water elements immediately formed between Ye Hao's hands, and almost immediately formed an ice arrow . Well, the magic kicked in almost immediately.

The safety officer began to test how fast Ye Hao was.

Then, she saw something very special that she had ever seen before, and the ice arrows between her two hands began to gather with amazing speed, and almost as soon as one was thrown, the other appeared directly .

This speed is almost several kinds per second. Countless ice arrows shoot towards the lake surface, and then directly enter the bottom of the lake. Hehe, this arrow is a mechanism weapon. The more advanced body energy is unknown how many layers higher than the water element, and a little green can probably form thousands of such ice arrows.

Therefore, the crush is not afraid of consumption at all. After a while, he feels that low-level magic is no longer difficult, and his face is full of dementia, although it is said that high-level practice can immediately transfer some magic. But to do that requires a high level understanding of magic.

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