Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1020 Competition

Ye Hao just used his own energy to control a little Fire Curse, so it was a little later than the eruption of Snow and Ice's magic. What is the worst attack in the world? People don't know, but how could they not? No object can take a terribly low temperature and then give it a terribly hot moment.

No hard metal can resist such an attack, but at this moment the power of ice and snow has been completely blocked, and the power of flame has just erupted. What would be the result of the immediate impact of the huge ice and fire elementals? .

BANG! There was a terrible loud explosion in the air, and the huge-white mask almost disappeared just like that! It disappeared countless times, and the one who held up the white Seth in the temple, a ten red blood.

Then, another fast and violent force came, "I'm dying!" Unable to bear such pressure any longer, a surge of hot blood rushed out, and the force of the explosion in the sky rushed down immediately, and the voices of the ten people did not change. It is estimated that nine out of ten people can no longer bear such pressure. "It's over, it's over"

At this time, the sky was approaching, and Ye Hao and the others also saw the changes in the temple. Fortunately, the temple is about a few kilometers away from the common people, including the Red Inflammation School of Magic. But even so, the terrifying power rushed in all directions in an instant.

Spread in all directions at an astonishing speed. Far beyond the reach of forbidden spells. But because of the snow and purple mixed in the explosion, he was almost sent to the Red Army Academy. At this moment, a white Seger suddenly appeared in the sky.

The moment this character appeared, Ye Hao immediately discovered this number, the terrifying power in this number, at least Ye Hao was much stronger than the sky, and even had the strength to compete with it. Of course, this is just a comparison with the present. Then a wisp of white snow fell directly from the sky, and the beam of light from the white Seth immediately shattered all the space within the entire explosion range, and the original explosion energy impacting in all directions stopped immediately. Then, the tall white Seger started to turn white.

After so long, the sky was dark, but the whole city was shrouded in the light of Snow White. After such a long time, the sky was dark again, but the whole city was illuminated by the lights of Snow White. A long song began to sing throughout the city. It was a very good voice, the most beautiful voice Ye Hao had ever heard, but people couldn't understand it, but Ye Hao found that everyone around Ye Hao Be carefree.

Tian Ye Hao and the others almost fell to the ground, only the people standing there looked unusually abrupt, fortunately Ye Hao and the others didn't notice at this time. He quietly came down and asked next to him: "Who is this person?" Is it the God of Light? "

The secret code I just asked, I am not sure if this person is the so-called god of Ye Hao, maybe some hidden strong people are also very possible. "No, it's Lord Michael, the House of Light." Ye Hao whispered to Ye Hao.

Yeah? Michael was familiar with this name, but Ye Hao didn't expect that the other person would be an insignificant person. Hearing the name "Michael", the thoughts deep in Ye Hao's heart made it more certain that your mother's son is definitely a faction of the Holy See on Earth.

Or just change the name, change the soup, change the medicine. The energy of the explosion was completely covered by the white Seth, and then began to shrink and shrink rapidly under the white Seth. Look here, here's an even weirder little Snow White face.

Although Ye Hao didn't know how Michael did it, if she removed the energy of the explosion in this way, she wouldn't believe it. The power of the combination of the two just now is just a test, but the power that just broke out,

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