Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1037 Darkness

Shit, people on the other side, give it to me. I'm not afraid of you. I want to kill me. Then you have to stay with me. ".

There was a sudden piercing sound above the wall. It's a straightforward approach, but it's really the best way to vent your fear. More and more soldiers began to express dissatisfaction with this.

With Ye Hao's shouts, Ye Hao's fear began to disappear slowly, and more and more people's eyes began to burst into red lights! True, no one is afraid of death, but almost everyone can overcome their fear when the situation becomes inevitable.

There was a low level of wolf coming out of my city, and more wolves were slowly starting to come. Ye Hao were several miles away from the city wall, but as Ye Hao accelerated, their speed immediately reached a terrifying state.

Ye Hao rolled his eyes slightly, and began to sing in a low voice. Since you are running in such a hurry, let's have a taste of the fun, it's not a good decision to use it to attack the city, but this town has no city, the walls are less than two meters high, and under three meters. That is, it can hardly be called an earthen wall. "Put down your weapons!" Just a few hundred meters away from the town, a glass of strong wine was passed down.

Hundreds of bows and arrows left Shire at once, and it did not require stone throwing, but directly from Shisai. Ten thousand wolves rushed from the whole town in three directions, and there was darkness everywhere, and there was no need to throw shee. There is no need to throw Shisai out directly. Ten thousand wolves rushed towards the whole town in three directions. These hundreds of long arrows were probably shot with their eyes closed. Although thick skin and ordinary long arrows will not cause much damage to ordinary arrows, but now the enemy is, ah, and a wolf, I don't know how much faster than ordinary arrows, plus the speed of straight arrows Not much faster than normal. The long arrow that Shell shot almost easily sent this arrow in the opposite direction.

More than a hundred people turned over immediately and fell off the wolf. Together with the wolf, hundreds of people immediately brought hundreds of people in front of Ye Hao. With nothing like it, the dark matter behind them just turned into mud. A distance of several hundred meters is almost quite far.

When hundreds of people rushed to the front and Ye Hao approached the wall, the big bad wolf under Ye Hao jumped up and flew directly into the town from the two-meter-high wall. This is inconsistent. Ye Hao didn't know that these things could rise so high.

In a central area, nearly a thousand people jumped directly into the town, and the first screams came from the town. He smiled absently, and then drank in a low voice: "The meaning of the wall." The huge magical energy disappeared between the two hands almost instantly.

This huge wall suddenly appeared around the whole town. The sound of "quasi" was dull, and I couldn't even feel the energy of my own body. Who said ordinary people can't hurt others anymore? The energy in the body was shaken just now.

The huge wind wall suddenly surrounded the whole town, and the wolf rushed into the wall in almost a second, and the wolf was rushing on three sides. The huge impulse turned nearly a thousand people in front of Ye Hao into meat, but the countless people behind rushed up quickly.

"Attention everyone! Destroy the enemies of this city immediately." The man standing next to him suddenly returned to God, and then quickly gave the order, and the soldiers just above the wall immediately jumped from the wall and killed them quickly and violently Enemies in the city.

"Your, are you okay?" The Chief of Political Affairs didn't leave, but turned around and asked, Ye Hao shook his head slightly, but Ye Hao didn't speak, and Ye Hao's face was pale. "Come on, guys. I can last about ten minutes," said the warden quickly.

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