Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1046 Guy

your family? Are you using your family to crush me? The man asked in a low voice: "The younger generation dare not, but I think if the older generation can control the iron beast, it must be one of the superiors, so the younger generation hopes that the older generation can give us a reason." ’ The woman’s voice was sweet, but not unassuming, and had a nice family touch to it.

"Reason? Since you just said that if I let you go, your family will sell me a favor, right?" The man said softly, "Yes!" The woman quickly agreed, "Okay Well, I'll let you go now, but I need you to give me that box now, do you sell this?" said the man.

When Ye Hao heard the word box, Ye Hao didn't react, but now Ye Hao saw too many strange things in the world. Among the ordinary soldiers around Ye Hao, there was a direct feeling. Apparently these soldiers knew what the box was about.

"Old man, don't you know what this box is? What if this thing spreads and returns to the world after disappearing for thousands of years?" The woman's voice was not at all anxious, but asked. ". Demon spirit?" The man suddenly laughed wildly at the sky.

"What are you laughing at?" The man's laughter was full of strange smells, which changed everything.

The person is a bit unnatural, and the tone of the woman is also a bit unnatural. "It's nothing, little girl. Since I'm here, I don't care. You have two choices. First I kill you all and you give me the box, and second, I let you go and you give me the box .” The man’s tone became a little unnatural.

Ye Hao is a little curious, who knows, of course Ye Hao knows, but is Ye Hao's magic box really that scary? In fact, the existence of the camera obscura is an unknown number. Many people use this code to describe something that will cause a huge disaster. They don't know what this woman is holding.

"I'll count to ten! One, two." The man quickly began to count, surrounded by more and more steel animals. Although he was not sure of the strength of these things, he looked at their sharp blades. I'm afraid that if Ye Hao didn't do this, these mercenaries would be dead today.

"Wait!" Counting to seven, the woman bit her teeth and stopped the man. "I can give you the box, but you must keep your promise." The woman's voice also became unusually calm, and the situation was quite ordinary. Most people are afraid of death, but these iron beasts are not afraid of death at all.

There are more than 4,000 lives here. This box has been circulated in the north for a long time, and no one has ever heard of it being opened. "Very well, as long as you give me the box, I'll give me the monster right away," said the man. "Wait!" At this moment, standing next to the turning plane, he suddenly let out a cry, looked at this guy, wondering what was going on with Ye Hao, if he was willing to take sufficient action, these steel beasts would not have to worry.

But who knows what this guy is thinking, "Who are you?" The man turned his head and asked, "You don't need to know who I am. I'm here today. Even if you add animals, there is no result. This box cannot be given Yours." said the co-pilot.

Only at this time did Ye Hao realize that this guy was cool, especially when Ye Hao just said that Ye Hao's voice was full of clarity, not a bit sharp like Ye Hao's voice. "Oh really? Are you that sure?" the man asked, eyes wide.

"You don't mind giving me this box," she said, turning to the woman. If you give me this box, I will fight for you today. I can tell you that the person in front of you is a demon who has disappeared for thousands of years. "Ah, let's go and look at the three people in the sky.

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