Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1055 Observation

Strange heart, this is a bit ridiculous, for the fighting power of these people, a few missiles shot down Ye Hao and they don't know how many deaths, how can such a thing? Touching the hard drive of this computer, from the appearance, this thing is actually well preserved, with almost no damage.

"Why don't you destroy this thing?" Ye Haomen asked: "No. It is said that there is something in this box that will make the monster stronger. What if we destroy it and release it?" shook his head.

is silent. The computer hard drive you destroyed can release a shit creature, but these things will naturally not be said, this is a matter between the two races in the north, and they don't want to interfere, Ye Hao is now interested in what happened.

In any case, these and things evolved from nature, but how did these creatures suddenly appear on these north? "I returned this thing to you. I have other things to do. I have to go first." Ye Hao thought for a while and said.

And look, and say, "And off we go, this time we're on a mission to find this new box, and now that we've found it, we've got to get back to this thing, you take this." You take it Give it to the dragon, if you need help, the dragon will help you unconditionally. "

After that, Ye Hao took out a strange thing from the ring, it looked like a very ordinary one, but it was small, only the size of a thumb, it was made of unknown material, and it started to soften. Just a rock. "This thing can only be bought by the dragon clan. If you need the help of the dragon clan, you can take it and find any dragon clan."

"Goodbye, I say, if you have time.

Come and see me. Best fight I've ever fought. Ye Hao said in a low voice, this stupid cow is quite cute, after the two said goodbye, they rushed into the sky and disappeared soon.

The main characters are staying put for a while, why would these people be called a demon clan? If the high-tech humans are aliens, it's the North, not the rules that call it. What is the reason for all this? Things are strange in this part of the north.

Thinking about it, Ye Hao suddenly thought of the person who just left, if it wasn't a wrong guess, that person should be one of those people. Thinking of this, Ye Hao immediately flew towards the direction of the battle, even though Ye Hao's heavy punches almost wiped out most of the steel beasts.

But these iron beasts were not completely destroyed, and many escaped afterwards, and God immediately stretched out his hand, and almost at once covered all the forests in this vicinity. Soon Ye Hao found the place Ye Hao was looking for. About 30 kilometers away from a place, there are more than a thousand steel animals.

Should have just escaped from the battlefield, the body flashed through the air quickly, and then disappeared, it was easy to move to this place and observe very closely. It may be because there are iron beasts here, so there are few people in the forest here, the trees are tall and thick, and the iron beasts gathered here are all on the ground. But Ye Hao's eyes are all black, which means that the red light that attacked Ye Hao just now has disappeared.

At the moment, it's completely like a piece of metal, and the environment here is weird. The trees around it seemed to be growing in a strange way, and in the middle of the pack of steel beasts was a huge lake. The lake is about two kilometers in diameter.

But strangely the lake turned into a strange green Sai. What should happen here? The man looked at the lake below and sat in the air with great interest. After waiting for more than an hour, the green water below suddenly rolled up. There is a land behind the forest.

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