Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1062 Excessive

The formation of metal is undoubtedly slow, did not say, directly took 10,000 copper coins from Ye Hao's space ring and poured them out in a box. The old man felt a little embarrassed by Ye Hao's generosity. "Well, if you need help, you can leave us a message," Ye Hao said. The old man quickly gave Ye Hao something similar.

Ye Hao's head smiled, and suddenly thought of something: "By the way, do you have satellites?" Just finished, Ye Hao's forehead, isn't this an idiot? More than 10,000 years have passed, what kind of satellite has such a long life. Unexpectedly, the old man said: "Yes, but there is only one. We sent for more than 100 years and concentrated almost everything we could do at that time, but now we can hardly use it."

Ye Hao immediately asked in surprise: "Do you have a map of this planet?" How many north? "The old man said with a smile," yes, there is a map of the planet. "After that, the old man walked to the computer screen, knocked a few times, and then a huge plan appeared on the big screen in front of Ye Hao.

Zhou looked up and felt a little strange. This map looks like Earth, but is it a little bit different? First, there are far fewer messy islands at sea. If nothing like that, maybe only four continents, two north at the poles of the earth, and then a giant north like north on earth and america connected together.

The other is the North between the North West and the South American continents, there is no connection between these two huge Norths, the ocean in between is quite vast, and the Earth is at least ten times the size of the Earth. Although it was a bit too much, Ye Hao soon felt that he was wrong again, and Michael's power might become stronger.

But how can she have half a planet in a second, and the planet here is so big even though it moves so far.

Oh I think it will kill you. At the time, Michael could do it with a wave of his hand in complete relaxation. "Are we on this north?" It refers to the largest piece of land in the middle, where these three continents meet.

"Yes, we are in this north. This north was also the most prosperous place for our ancestors at that time. We didn't think things would turn out like this." The old man was a little painful when he saw the map. At this moment, the young man who had just gone came in with a book of Jinsi Ji.

"Look at this, it records everything I know, I record it in metal, and after a few years, our descendants don't even know why." The old man clearly thought of something in this field, but it didn't As far as imagined. After receiving this golden book, I turned it over. Although it is very thick, there are only a dozen pages.

only. The words above are actually Chinese characters, which is a bit surprising. "Is this the text you use?" Ye Hao pointed to the text in the principal's book. "No, this kind of writing has been around for a very short time, and not many people know about it. It's a writing that only became popular in the later stages of our civilization, that is, when war broke out." The old man said, shaking his head slightly.

Then look again, although it is not simplified Chinese characters, but there is no problem seeing them. A disaster in the world leaves only such a small message, or just a simple description. Thad flipped through the pages one after another. The records on them were vague, but he still knew some small things. First, these later gods should not have appeared suddenly. Although it is not recorded in this history book, the narrative of the war does not express much surprise at the appearance of these things. Obviously, Ye Hao knew the existence of these things a long time ago.

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