Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1065 Simple

What? Are you going back to that north? asked Michael. "Okay, I'll go over there." When are you going up? "By the way, I still don't know how the world wants to go." Until then, one of the most critical questions occurred to people.

"This world is very special, you can go up." Michael pointed to the top. "Up?" Ye Hao looked at Michael's fingers. "Well, most importantly, do you know the history of the world?" Michael asked. "Do you know the history of the world?" Ye Hao said, when Ye Hao heard Michael say that.

Michael shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I know that this world is unique, like an experimental area." "Experimental area" Ye Hao said repeatedly, Ye Hao remembered those messy things, Western things, Eastern things Things, magical arrays, - the positive picture, the technological society hidden under the cold weapon magic society. Marathonians can find traces here.

Ye Hao said: "Well, the experimental area, I don't know very well, but this world has a big boundary, so strong people like us can also survive here without breaking through the barriers of space and flying to the world," Ye Hao said. It is much easier to go from heaven to this world than to go to other ordinary worlds. "Michael shook his head, thought about it, and gave it to the man.

"Is that so? You just said to go there, you mean, I leave this planet, and then I can break through the space barrier and fly?" Ye Hao asked. "Well, yes, that's how we fly to heaven. Anyway, when you step out of the border, the power to release your body will manifest, and there will be a space channel that will take you there." Unless you Suppress your own strength. Michael said confidently, "Well, I see. You have this." When finished, Michael held a piece of gold leaf in his hand. "What's this?" Michael asked, "It's a little thing I've practiced myself, where you just put what you want to say right here, like the way we talk now, and crush it, and I can close it." Come to it, don't you want to go up?" In case of any trouble, you can use this to tell me. "

"If you can help me, I will." Ye Hao added, Michael did not speak, but slowly played with Ye Hao, and then whispered: "Thank you." "You're welcome. I'm leaving. You The people will come back soon." Ye Hao said.

"Wait, can you come out? I want to see you." Michael opened his mouth and shouted, "Ye Hao didn't speak, but showed his shape one meter in front of Michael's body." Seeing the person in front of Ye Hao With a perfect face, Michael walked over and kissed the white face on Ye Hao's lips.

Ye Hao was stupid and stupid, Ye Hao had no idea that Michael would make such a move. At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps on the door, and Michael stood in front of the door as soon as he turned around. And this was immediately reflected, hiding his body shape, and directly moved the past.

Just now, this leaf has been cultivated into a special method called "Shenlong". Its formation is simple, but it requires blood of blood to complete it. It is said that no defense method can prevent this kind of thing from passing information. When Ye Hao was with this thing, Ye Hao also made one.

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