Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1070 Body

What's wrong? How is Ye Hao? asked the deputy senior executive. "If you're so worried about what Ye Hao is doing, it's better that you're okay, you're not afraid of anything, but you still won't die." The absent-minded man smiled and said, "Is there nothing?" "It's okay to have a spirit, it's really nice that these magical elements can change the human body, but the first time is definitely a pain.

Then this kind of pain will gradually reduce, until the body slowly leans towards this magical element, and then Ye Hao's strength can enter a new realm. No sooner had he finished speaking than there was a terrible cry from the room. "Ah, what's wrong with Ye Hao?" Ah Mu rushed into the house.

"Don't move. Ye Hao has nothing to do. There is a first step in everything. The first step in rebuilding the body is quite painful." The agency department took it away. "You're not lying to me, are you?" she asked, worried. "Hey, dear teacher, when did I lie to you?" Ye Hao asked.

This time it was just a sudden feeling, holding her hand all the time. Immediately transformed, and then wanted to pull her hand back, how could I let her go back. "I will help you too, but you have to endure a little pain." Ye Hao said with a smile. I didn't know what to do, I thought she was suffering when she didn't speak.

Stretching out one step, a defensive formation released two people directly, and the two people held each other's hands tightly and whispered: "You recognize the pain." After talking about the huge water element in the air, they immediately began to collect quickly , The simple elements began to gather in the air quickly, and then rushed to the body.


The body immediately showed crystal blue, and the energy slowly flowed to the body. The gods don't know how powerful it is. It is quite easy to manipulate so much energy, and there is no burden at all. As soon as Ai was ready to speak, it started, and the huge water elemental poured into her body almost immediately.

But these water elements were not the same as usual, and began to slowly enter her body and every cell of her body. These water elements begin to compress under the control of the divine mind. I remember Ye Hao said it hurts, but she doesn't feel the pain now.

In fact, this is different from the element, the water element is the mother of all things, and it is more appropriate to change the human system, but 70% of human cells are water. Soon, the water element in the body reached its limit, but the water element from the outside world was still pouring in. Suddenly felt that Ye Hao was about to explode.

She finally felt a little pain, but if these water elements were naturally compressed, it is estimated that if she couldn't bear such a great pain, she might die. Since it helps, it will help more people, Ye Hao's internal energy will immediately become cold, and when the water element in the body is compressed, it will generate huge energy, and it will be easily recompressed immediately. The huge water element was immediately compressed into a light blue liquid-like substance, which slowly began to melt into the cells. Human cells are a kind of energy, and now this water is rapidly changing the structure of the cells. Ye Hao was surprised that the whole body including the skin was in a state of extreme pain, but suddenly, everything disappeared.

A depressing sense of comfort emerges from the body, and even the voice of a person cannot be suppressed, a dark smile, and the huge elements gather into the boundless heaven of the room. And this time it attracted a large number of elderly people to watch outside.

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