Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1077 Royal Family

Just know something about it, because magic can't tell much. "Old man, the enemy is very powerful this time." A powerful voice echoed directly in Ye Hao's mind, and then became unclear, and then said: "Uh-huh."

But Ye Hao is still a little careless, after all, there are really not many people who can take Ye Hao's golden dragon to deal with. When a golden dragon and a golden dragon more than 100 meters long appear in the line of sight, I am also a little curious. Of course, Ye Hao deliberately felt the power of the dragon, because the dragon is stronger than the dragon. It is definitely a full grown golden dragon at its peak!

The age of the dragon is about 5,000 to 8,000 years old. According to the different kinds of dragons, they are also different. The age of a golden dragon is about seven thousand years old, and a golden dragon can only reach its peak when it is about three thousand years old. It then lasted for about 3,000 years before slowly fading away in the last millennium. But the rate of decline is not fast.

Even if a dragon is dying, its power is quite strong, at least much stronger than a dragon or a dragon of a year or two. But even against Iowa, the dragon wasn't a big winner, it thought it was too big, it wasn't necessarily powerful, and sometimes it was strongest when all the power was concentrated in a little bit.

More than a hundred meters long, don't think it has that skill. "Who are you?" When Ye Hao finally saw Ye Hao's body, Ye Hao became very serious. Ye Hao couldn't feel any energy breath on Ye Hao, but Ye Hao was holding a ball in his hand, a ball like A ball of energy like a ball. The energy contained in the ball has been compressed to the extreme. If it is compressed, no one will survive except the golden dragon under Ye Hao.

Of course, the young man was unknown, but even if a golden dragon was injured in such an attack, it was not just one time, because how big was an attack? To what extent are these energies concentrated? This is not a concept. Therefore, the expression on Ye Hao's face immediately became serious. "Sir, this is to see you."

At this time, the middle-aged man said quickly. "Oh? Looking for me? Who are you?" the deputy senior executive asked. Ake's age seems to be only in Ye Hao's age, but of course Ye Hao will not be naive to think that Ye Hao's age is really only in Ye Hao's body, and it seems that with the help of the dragon, Ye Hao has hardly reached that line Wire.

"Well, I'm not here to look for you. I'm here to look for Ye Hao." Ye Hao smiled, then pointed to the 100-meter-long golden dragon. The canary's feet were golden. After hearing this sentence, a fierce golden light suddenly appeared under the body, and then the huge dragon shadow disappeared immediately, and a similar middle-aged man appeared beside Ye Hao.

"Are you looking for me?" Jin Long asked: "Yes, I'm looking for you. Exactly, I need you to take me to Long Island, because I don't know where Long Island is, so I have to do it." Ye Hao face full. Listen, a dozen people almost flew out of the sky. There's no need to be so nervous about going to Shenlong, right?


If you want to see the royal family, will the emperor be afraid to meet you? Why don't you call Ye Hao directly? Are you making a big fuss about finding someone right now? "You are too wicked, old man." The princess opened her mouth involuntarily, and said that when she spoke, everything on her face changed. How is such a person judged by such a generation?

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