Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1081 Extreme

However, I still forgot one important thing, that is laziness, the dragon clan is lazy, because when they arrive, many sleeping dragons have to wake up, including the leader of the dragon clan. So Ye Hao just wanted to send it out as soon as possible, and then continue to sleep. Dragon people have great talent and longevity, but Ye Hao didn't work hard. If only a dragon was as perfect as a human warrior or a human warrior.

I am afraid that the power of the dragon man will be more terrifying, he shook his head slightly, and soon flew to the Wu clan on the island, the clan brought a god horse into a cave, and soon turned into two dragons and flew into the cave. Seeing the white firing magic array, I didn't expect that the dragon also has a magic array, and this magic array has no protection.

But if you think about it, there are about a thousand of them here. What more protection do you need? "Sir, you have already sent it to a hiding place from here, and I will not send it." The leader of the Dragon Clan bent slightly and said. Then went straight back. When the main character's foot stepped on the transmission array, the transmission array immediately sent out a bunch of white, and then directly sent it out.

A white light passed, and it came to a strange place. The climate here is extremely harsh. It should belong to the southernmost or northernmost point of the earth, surrounded by thick ice. "What a man!" A loud drink came from outside, and then a strong figure appeared in front of the wine glass.

"Hi, I'm here to see. I came through the transmission line of the dragon." Ye Hao bent down and said. This man was tall, almost the same as that man, and Ye Hao only wore animal skins, exposing the bronze fur to the air. The red hair makes this person look alike, and Ye Hao's face is also very sexy, but Ye Hao's eyes have a hint of chill from time to time.

If you look at this person's face, you will definitely think that Ye Hao and Ye Hao belong to the same type of person, but Ye Hao is definitely the kind of person who is close to the extreme. "Sir, I'm the head doctor?" "Well, I don't care who you are, if you want to hide us. I have to pass the exam, look at the fist." After that, the man put it in a sharp punch Get into a ball.

There was an atmosphere of dissonance in the air.

The air turned into a black energy wave, forming a huge fist, directly facing it. Ye Hao shook his head, and then directly revealed the same green energy. A loud "bang" erupted directly in the cave, and countless ice was immediately washed away by the violent energy impact.

This person was about to move forward, but Ye Hao found that the energy of the green Seth not only blew up Ye Hao's attack, but also did not rush directly to Ye Hao's position. This person reacted quickly, crossed his hands directly, and then the dark Cesie's energy shield appeared in front of Ye Hao.

With a loud bang, the man's body was not injured, but Ye Hao's body directly shattered the ice behind the wall, and then was shattered. The sound of the explosion has alarmed outsiders, but Ye Hao knew that someone was coming. When Ye Hao saw a figure flying upside down, everyone looked at it, wanting to see who it was.

Because the person watching the transportation today is a person who is as hot as Ye Hao, but this person is more dangerous than Ye Hao. When the figure of Ye Hao who flew several hundred meters in embarrassment appeared, Ye Hao was almost dumbfounded, but Ye Hao didn't come? Now come out of the cave.

From inside the ice cave, it was possible to see around 50 people, two of whom were official. "Are you crazy? I knew you couldn't beat this guy." This time, when Ye Hao saw more things, Ye Hao immediately knew why Ye Hao would get it out.

"Niu, you are dead" and said to Ye Hao: "Okay, you passed my exam, can you come, are you the last person to see Ye Hao?" The deputy senior director asked. Then smiled And said, "I am. "

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