Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1090 Dam

A voice of Qian in the dark can make the spirit grind, Ye Hao asked with a smile: "Do you know the poor Tuo tribe?" The more detailed the better. "

"Poor tribe? The young master is talking about the fall of the poor three hundred miles away?" the waiter asked after sitting in amazement for a while.

"Yes, yes." Ye Hao nodded. The waiter in front of him seemed genuinely aware that he didn't seem to be in vain.

The waiter looked around and whispered that the gold coins in front of him could keep him eating and drinking for decades. This opportunity is not so easy to come across, of course he wants to seize it.

"In the Qiantuo tribe, three hundred miles northwest of Longmen Town, there is a Tiantuo Mountain. The residents on the mountain are all poor Tuo tribes. I heard from the old people in the village that they have lived in Tiantuo Mountain for decades. The town has also lived for decades. Its source is less than 1% of its source, but they don't know their source, they are more resistant to outsiders and rarely communicate with outsiders, and if outsiders enter tribal areas, they would be attacked in groups.”

"I've heard that the Poor Tuo clan has several masters, the patriarch is the acquired master, and he is still the master of the "Land List", but I don't know the exact order of the clan. I only know that the clan leader's name is Thunder Tomahawk. That's right. He has a very beautiful daughter Chengling or something. I can't remember it at the moment. Oh btw, Cheng Lingsu, she is just a beautiful girl, very handsome. Even the dragon gate of the first card Zhenyi Dongyuan’s little girl is not zero, and men will be moved when they see it.”

The waiter's mouth was like a dam, a box was opened, Ye Hao got a lot of useful information from it, and he thought of another question.

The "List of Places" is a list compiled by the world's first sect palace for all the masters of ancient martial arts acquired. Just like "Dragon and Phoenix", there are only 108 people!

It can be recorded among them, that is, the son of the sun, whoever is the best acquired, many of them are acquired peak masters! Or have the ability to save lives, or have a unique school, each power is extraordinary!

"Xiaoer, why do I only want to buy some materials about the Qiongtuo tribe or maps, but Kefang City and even the shops on the street say they are sold out? What is this?"

Hearing these words, the waiter was quickly surprised, and then thought for a while, that is, Ye Hao whispered in his ear.

"Master, I don't know what happened, but the evening before yesterday, one of my cousins ​​was selling groceries in a poor area. He saw a group of people in black, rushing into this poor tribe from a distance, just because it was dark .Also there was a distance and they didn't notice my cousin which allowed him to escape a bullet and just last night the poor Tuo gate opened and someone ventured in only to find dead bodies everywhere, poor The Tuo tribe was actually killed. None of them were left behind. The news is only spread in a small area at present. In Longmen, many people still don't know. We speculate that this may be the enemy of the Qiongtuo tribe. Revenge yourself. Now Longmen Town is very sensitive to the word poverty, you can't say that, otherwise the life of the little people may not be saved.

"Well, all these gold coins are yours."

Ye Hao waved his hand calmly and pushed the gold coin to the waiter's eyes, but a huge wave appeared in his heart! How could the poor tribe be wiped out? When he fired the waiter, he started eating very quickly. Although the poor Tuo people are hung up, the people are iron rice or steel. No matter what he does, he will eat enough, go to the poor Tuo tribe, and then make a decision! ? !

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