Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1092 Master

"Well, it's a good deal!"

Seeing Wu Ke rushing over, Ye Hao's eyes were cold and binbin, but he didn't dare to show the slightest carelessness. Although Wu has only practiced martial arts five times in the world, his fighting experience is many times richer than what he doesn't know. You can know that by looking at that fierce boxing style. Style and you'll know it. It's not Danmen's Gary Maple at all to compare it to!

Immediately, a kind of spirit came out, covering Wu Neng's attack, and in the spirit of the shroud, the swift attack entered its eyes, the original fast and fast attack, but at that moment it turned into sand generally!


Ye Hao casually moved a step to the left to avoid Wu Neng's attack, but the square table behind him was not so lucky. Under the full force of the master of "Five Meridians Create a Pulse", it is not surprising that he broke it!

The snake's body opened immediately, a black scale immediately wrapped the whole body, a trace of hostility flashed in the dark eyes, the same five fingers were clenched tightly, and the same punch could go towards Wu! The latter smashed the wooden table, but he reacted seriously, turned around, and in the palm of his left hand, one hand touched a fist with black and blue scales!


There was a dull sound, and the fists collided, but because they deliberately restrained their strength and only added test hands, there was no energy explosion as imagined, but a four-point energy explosion, and the surrounding square tables and wooden windows were covered as much as possible. Shoot the hedgehog a lot! And the owner and the waiter and other guests saw the two collided and went downstairs in panic a long time ago, how dare they hang out here, so, apart from some tables, chairs and windows being damaged, there were no casualties.

The two dogs looked at his sister-in-law's young man in a green robe who was waiting for autumn, his eyes were full of frightening colors. He guessed that the latter was a period of cultivation, but he didn't guess the strength of the latter! Followed by a few small gangsters, with the same face, in the Tiandou Gang, the black-faced knife Wu Neng is a legend, no one can suppress it except the master, but now he is defeated by a teenage boy!

What's this? !

After stepping on the soles of his feet, he stepped back a few steps in a row, and then released his strength, looking around at the ruins. Ye Hao smiled at Wu Neng who had already retreated a few steps, he must rush to the poor tribe as soon as possible. Otherwise, his clue to find Canaan Academy will be broken, which is not what he wants to see.

Immediately turned coldly and wanted to leave, but they didn't want him to go!

"Good boy, the restoration of the mental stage can actually block my fist, but this is only a small part of my strength. I am really good at knives! You stay!"

Wu can best face, even Ye Hao can block his fist, but he can't think, the little boy with only a period of vitality, can block his own knife! I pulled the machete out of my back.

The power of the knife is very heavy, more than one foot, with a knife in hand, Wu Neng has the aura to climb up, and a knife can chop off gold and stones. The sharp aura rushed to the sky, and immediately opened a hole in the roof! Oh, sawdust is falling from the sky!

At this time, a ghostly smile flashed on Wu Liang's face, his palm suddenly turned around, the long knife passed by, picked up the knife, and forcibly slashed it to Ye Hao!

Weapons like dragons, knives like tigers!

The knife crossed, and the countless tables and chairs suddenly turned into two, menacing!

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