Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1097 The Iceman

Because he saw those inconspicuous blue scales enveloping their own throwing knives, sucking their blood out, he looked at the robed figure, his throwing knives were covered by breath. The imprint of the soul was erased, so for a reason of kung fu, their throwing knife was actually taken away by the young man's imprint in front!

In the cannon boxing match, you must pay attention to moving forward. When you meet a strong one, you are strong and fierce! Ye Hao's Paoquan is a late-stage qi repair, coupled with the ferocious power of the transformed snake body, snakes and ancient snakes are not only known in venom, but also in entanglement. At the same time, most people are afraid of the combination of rigidity and softness. the power of! As soft as water, it can hold everything; as hard as gold and stone, it can break the sky!

As the distance got closer, Ye Hao was the visitor who could see clearly, a young fat man with a chubby face, somewhat round shape, a bit ugly, and his fists finally touched together!


The fat man's eyes widened, he didn't know, a dozen people were startled, this boy's fist was too strong, beyond his expectation, especially the cold blue scales, it was also very difficult, I don't know how many points I attacked !

But is it easy to resist the power of the snake by holding the snake with a fist through the power of the snake? Ye Hao's face is cold, since both of them want his life, then he doesn't need to be polite to them anymore, the gentle heart towards the enemy is digging his own grave!

When the arm suddenly moved and the sole of the foot was stepped on the ground, Ye Hao shouted: "Please forgive me!"

A more ferocious force slipped away from Ye Hao's fist, directly tore the fat fist into pieces, and then the cold burst out suddenly, turning him into an iceman! "


The big foot swung on the swing, turning into a heavy whip shadow, and threw it directly on Fatty's chest! The power of the whip legs made the latter's chest collapse immediately! The blood clot mixed into the internal organs was spat out frantically, frostbitten, and immediately fell down in one breath, the shape of the soft ground fell down, obviously it couldn't survive!

From contact to death, he didn't even say a word. Ye Hao gave him a second second! Although both of them are in a period of vitality, Ye Hao has the power of a snake and this kind of ruthless killing. Even the masters of temples six times the world can compete, not to mention his mid-term qi-creating martial arts! To see a partner is to kill him. A great change had taken place in the face of a thin young man. What kind of person is this?

In the late stage of Qigong, it is easy to beat the middle stage of Qigong, while practicing spiritual strength, which seems to be more powerful than him. Didn't he say he was stronger alone than with that fat man together?

Let's act quickly, first find the civil and military lords, and then use their power, the boy must have gone, never answered, if the boy's skin is tender, if he takes it away, the people of Uda will surely Be happy, and then they will give whatever wealth they want. That would make a lot of money.

The figure was flying, people had just arrived at the door, the sex in the air was shaking, he suddenly felt pain in his leg, the nerve reflex of the whole person fell to the ground, he turned around suddenly, only to find that he was holding a throwing knife on his calf!

This is what you just got!


Throwing knives stabbed him in the leg, leaving the left leg unlucky, and even a problem walking normally, let alone running at any speed, everything is gray, it's over! A cyan figure flashed past, standing in front of him, with a childish face, tinged with coldness, it was Ye Hao!

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