Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1102: Cunning

Zhang Wei's body was thrown aside, looking at some girls looking at him horribly, Ye Hao smiled slightly, and found a set of green robes from the ring, directly covering the girl's spring breeze. In the dark night sky, a round of moon hangs high, and the quiet moonlight pours down, dotting the earth, adding many colors to it, a cave, a man and a woman, a young robe and a hibiscus Girl, they didn't speak, and there was an awkward atmosphere in the cave, and there was only the crackling of a campfire next to it, and there was a pheasant, and I think it was dinner for two.

The young man in the green robe, with clear eyebrows, does not have any particularly good features, only a pair of deep eyes and an upright posture, especially the warm smile on his face, although it is very light. But it's a warm feeling.

The person next to her is a young girl wearing a green robe. The girl has a hibiscus face, her eyebrows are bent, and her silky black hair is scattered randomly, permeating the youthful atmosphere unique to a young girl, but looking at its face, Seemed a little wary.

The young man was the ancient Ye Hao, and the young girl was the one who rescued Cheng Lingsu. The former attacked and killed the Wei Wu brothers. He was detouring all the way with Cheng Lingsu, ran hundreds of miles, and finally found a cave where he could settle down.

"You seem to be defending me, worried that I'm a pervert?"

After a moment of silence, Ye Hao took the lead to break the dull atmosphere, saying that he actually liked the girl's lively and lovely youth, which made him think for himself, sacrificed himself, and went to the white girl in the ice field alone.

Hearing these words, Cheng Lingsu didn't answer immediately, but after a moment of silence, she said: "Who are you?" She knew that the outside world was very cunning, who could take such a big risk for an unrelated person? She guessed three.

The first possibility is: the youth in front of you belongs to a passer-by, very chivalrous and warm-hearted, saw that she was trapped, so she saved her, but the probability of this situation is too low, even she can't convince herself; the second Possibilities: Teenagers and those animals in black are a group, they play a game of bitterness, or infighting, and want to profit from it anyway;

The third possibility is that the young man is just passing by, but when he sees his beauty, he is likely to fall into the thief's den again. She used to hear her aunt say in the fence that there were many gentle women out there with outstanding looks. In other words, I was robbed of money first, then robbed, and finally sold to a green house for people to play with. Those days, I feel terrible when I think about it.

She felt that she might be in the third situation, because the first situation is hard to say, where in the world is there such a warm-hearted person? The second scenario is possible, but not enough to kill all the black men, including Brother Wei Wu, before leaving, he especially looked at the bodies of two brothers Wei Wu, really not breathing, this can't be done wrong! In this way, the possibility of the third situation is very high.

Seeing the vigilance and color fear in the girl's eyes, Ye Hao smiled softly. He didn't expect that he would treat others like wolves, and immediately touched the ring, and there was something floating in his palm! It's a crescent pendant! He touched his nose, smiled and said:

"Your brother gave it to me. He begged me to save you before he died, so I came. Fortunately, I caught up."

"What! My brother?"

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