Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1104 Wild Wolf


A pack of blue wolves swarmed into the dreadfully silent village, a sliver of green gleams with rapacious bloodlust, and it kept rushing to the corpses on the ground, gnawing, some of them fighting for them. For a while, the village was coyote world.

I will not!

From a corner of the back hall, a bloody hand suddenly jumped out, clutching the mud, as if about to stand up.


A wolf was biting the remnants in the hall, sniffing its nose, walked into the back hall suspiciously, and stopped because he saw the slightly angry palm, and the bloodthirsty light in his eyes suddenly turned red. A dead body cannot taste life! Then he came over! Bite the palm of the past!

Above the sky, a figure fell directly in the poor village, and the lights parted to reveal a man, wearing a golden crown and a yellow robe, with a fat face and a red face, not like an affected man. A Taoist priest ruled by rules, he wears a yellow robe, his face is fat and red, and he doesn't feel that he is a Taoist with rules and discipline. With dust in his left hand and a wooden sword on his back, he looks like a spirit hunter, when he saw corpses and wolves surrounding him, his face changed and he looked very sad.

"Brother, I'm still late, sorry."

The wolves around them were not afraid of the strangely dressed Taoist priest, because they didn't feel the fearful breath of the latter, and howled one by one.

"Ignorant wolf, die!"

Looking around at the wolves, the Taoist priest's face turned cold, the dust of his hand suddenly moved into tens of thousands of needles, and immediately pierced hundreds of wolves around him, and the pointed harvest, in the village, there were hundreds of wolves' remains! "You will be buried with my friends"

Hundreds of wild wolves are about to be killed, and the wolves can't even escape, you know, this wolf is called the green wolf, it is a very ferocious animal, it likes to live in groups, just one group, the strongest is six times the temple in the world The power of Qibu Dan, but it was still killed by a Taoist in a dusty moment. If Ye Hao were here, he would be very excited, because this person is more terrifying than Qi Zi or even Lao Mei's protection law. For such a strong person, there is a special name on the road: Master Nirvana!

After venting the anger in his heart, the Taoist priest's mind and body moved, and then he appeared directly behind the temple without moving the dust, turned into a sharp blade, directly separated the wolf from the corpse, and then picked him up from the dirt . It was a child who was barely breathing, with a terrible gash in his chest, a mortal wound, a tiny probe in the palm of his hand, and a round pill in his arm, who, after a moment's hesitation, put It goes into the child's mouth.

"Wake up!"

The Taoist patted the face of a child, but the child seemed to be asleep. The Taoist priest didn't react at all except for breathing a little more heavily, as if he was dead.

"It seems that the injury is more serious than I imagined. Ah, we have to take it back to the mountain and ask Master to help him."

Without being alive for a second time, the Taoist priest held the child in one hand, a slight shock, and it turned into a shock, sweeping into the sky.

Under the cliff four or five hundred miles away from the poor Tumo tribe, two people were dressed in tattered clothes, with various scars hanging on their bodies, and their hair was disheveled and messy.

"Wu Mo, it's been a long time since I've been so embarrassed."

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