Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1108 Shaking his head


I have arrived!

Staring sharply at the transparent aperture at the foot of the eyes, with one heart movement, a stream of milky white energy flows into the film layer, then turns into a beam of white light, slowly approaches the film, and then turns into film.


And when the heads of the two people completely turned into a transparent circle of light, a strong suction force was drawn from their feet immediately, and they would be surrounded by Ye Haolingsu in an instant. Walking to the ground, dizzy, Ye Hao looked at the canyon in front of him and asked in surprise, but he clearly remembered that Cheng Lingsu was still at the bottom of the lake, but how should he get to this place next moment? Reminiscent of a heavy feeling hanging over him, in fact, he has already guessed, Cheng Lingsu?

"Miss Ling Su?" Ye Hao shook the beautiful woman's arms and said eagerly, this is just a short space teleportation, it should not hinder any major events, even if it is modified to a lower level, it will not Is such that.

Cheng Lingsu seemed to hear Ye Hao's voice, woke up with a start, and hurriedly broke free from her ex-husband's arms, with a shy face on her face, she wanted to say something, but when her eyes touched the empty canyon behind the young man, her face suddenly changed , on her beautiful face. full of surprises.

"Ye Hao, this is the first time on Earth, the canyon of beasts! We are in the heritage area."

Cheng Lingsu said a little excitedly, pointed to the narrow canyon with her slender jade hand and said, it seems to be here, she is very happy.

Looking in the direction of Cheng Lingsu's finger, thirty feet away, there is a tall and winding mountain range, like a huge snake sleeping, and the end cannot be seen at a glance. There is a "mouth" in the middle of the mountain. There is a "mouth" in the middle of the mountain, there is a mouth in the mountain, and there is a mouth in the mountain. It seemed to be parted by the gods, and the opening was six or seven feet wide, probably tens of feet away, and there was a lot of rubble, of varying sizes.

"Okay, call me Ye Hao, it feels weird." Ye Hao hesitated for a while, then said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll call you Ye Hao, and at the same time you call me Lingsu, it's strange to call me Miss." Cheng Lingsu blinked her beautiful eyes, and lightly stuck out her sweet tongue.

"So, why is this called the Canyon of Beasts?" Yes, this is the canyon, but there is no bird feather, it seems that the names of all the beasts can't be named, will the two top managers in black be in front of us? "

Hearing this sentence, Zheng Lingsu slowly shook his head and explained: "The inheritance is divided into seven paths, seven of which I don't know very well, but these three floors are Wanshou Pass, Zombie Land and Ninety-nine Mountain Steps, the canyon in front It's the Canyon of Beasts, dare I say it. The two top executives in black won't be here."

Not here? Why? ?

Ye Hao asked subconsciously.

"Because there are two entrances. From the entrance, there are two passages for judgment. The first three floors of the trial are separated. Only when they reach the fourth floor can they reunite." Cheng Lingsu seems to know a lot, so to speak.

Ye Hao suddenly, it turned out to be like this, the two entrances are divided into two test lanes, and they are only reunited when they reach the fourth floor. The legacy of the founder is a lot of thoughts.

Beast Canyon? Ye Hao murmured, the dark eyes, with a bright flash, moved and drifted to the mouth of the valley, looking at the empty canyon, the monsters there, on the gravel ground! Are you not hungry? But starvation should also have bones, no bones, no beasts, really a bit confused.

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