Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1110 Cruel

Master Fish, come on, find a way! "

Ye Hao in ancient times finally understood why Cheng Lingsu said before that their people had reached the third floor at most, and the first floor was difficult to break, let alone the third floor!

"look at me"

Mr. Fish's voice was full of pride.

Just when Ye Hao wanted to know if the fish owner was frightened by these monsters, a beam of light flew out from his chest, shaking from his chest. During the sudden rise of the light, a treaty does not have the false whitefish, which is several hundred feet long and has sharp wings. Everything is covered with white scales, shining brightly, covering the sun, a loud sound, a wave of pressure from the sky, filling every corner of the canyon, even before those dozens of ferocious wolves, suddenly stopped down. Whimper with your tail!

Kunpeng wings, swallow the world! In a warbler valley that grows in the grass, the original fragrance of flowers and birds has become a fairyland on earth, but it is full of silk and suffocation. Ordinary birds and animals dare not approach at all. Its root is a man and a woman. He was an eagle-nosed old man, his old face suppressed by silk's rage, like a thousand-year-old volcano waiting to erupt.

Xu Niang is a half-year-old woman with a pretty face and a bit of charm, but no one can see what a terrible and cruel heart is hidden under the monsters and ghosts. They are the anthology and witches. The demon king, collectively referred to as the civil and military master.

In front of them, there was another person, tall, wearing a black robe, with only a pair of eyes exposed, and the two bowed to words and martial arts.

"Mr. Messenger, I have wiped out all the evils of this poor tribe, I don't know what else these two messengers asked them to do?"

The man in the black robe bowed slowly, and Yu glanced at the black-clothed corpse not far behind him. His body tightened suddenly, like steel, but his face was no different, he said respectfully.

"Well, well done, but there is still a poor tribe who has not been wiped out, that is Cheng Lingsu, you quickly gather the people, give an order, catch Cheng Lingsu, she can't live in this world, as for the process , you can handle it yourself." If you see someone with him, kill him. "

The old man said that he was called the messenger, and she said slowly in her heart, a frail and sickly woman, like a drop of water, like a sea of ​​sea, compared with the sect behind her. If she didn't know much about this impoverished tribe, he wouldn't have paid much attention to it, but he didn't think such a weak woman had been one of the sources of his future major sectarian downfall.

Although he had some questions about the body of the man in black behind him, he was smart enough to know what to ask and what not to ask. According to the order of the deacon, he guessed in his mind that Cheng Lingsu should be rescued, and in the process, he guessed that Cheng Lingsu was rescued by others. The brother in charge of guarding Zheng Lingsu naturally couldn't escape the suffering. He didn't care about the life or death of these people at all. All he cares about is himself, and what makes him ecstatic is that the old literary master said he should deal with Cheng Lingsu, the last time he wiped out this poor tribe, he saw him, he was so beautiful

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