Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1117 Persistence

Dang Dong Daxi, took the symbol paper Yuan Jing, happily handed the symbol paper and Yuan Jing into his arms, just wanted to salute you, but no one was in front of him, they had already disappeared, really impressive, just With this hand, you can already laugh out the proud city! In fact, his heart is very entangled. His own old man passed the assessment a long time ago and entered Wufu to travel to the clouds. He didn't even have a greeting, so there is nothing to explain here, only Ye Hao.

He and Ye Hao, from childhood to adulthood, can be said to be good brothers, but there is also competition between good brothers. Originally, his talent is stronger than the latter, and the training process is also very fast, but since entering Wufu, the latter has gone crazy. The training speed made him fall behind all of a sudden. He is not afraid of Ye Hao's progress, but he is afraid that he will never catch up with his brother, nor will he fight side by side with him. Wufu in the Ming Dynasty was only a slightly stronger branch. It can't meet the training needs of my gold teeth at all, so my practice has been delayed until today, and it is also the middle link of the three bone exercises in the world!

At such a speed comparable to a tortoise, it is impossible to break through the world in just a few years and enter the post-heaven! I can't realize my dream, a princess who eats food from all over the world and sleeps all over the world, of course, except for my brother-in-law.

Do you want to go or not? If you go, your dreams will come true soon? But it will be separated from Brother Xiao.

On a towering mountain range, there are 981 stone steps. At the top of the stone steps, there is a beautiful palace floating, filled with endless strong gas, and thick smoke around, making this place like a fairyland in the world , the palace is in the sky! (Applause) Below the palace, there are four ordinary people trying to climb, trying to get through 81 stone steps to get to the fairyland.

Such a beautiful picture was destroyed by an angry roar.

"Son, you have the courage to come down and fight the old man, what ability do you have to rely on the treasure!"

Hawk-nosed man with his nose crooked, looking up at the white light above his head, the boy was so slippery it would have knocked him down twice but every time he let him slip he felt like the boy was supposed to be playing with him . Apparently you can rely on white light up to the 50th floor and beyond, but it's hard to wait for your enthusiasm to run off, and then run away right away!

He took out a three-inch long flying knife from his arms, his eyes were cold, and his hands were waving, the flying knife was like a locust, shooting out the robe of white light! But the flying knife didn't touch the target, that is, it stopped halfway, as if something blocked it, it was difficult to move forward!

"Gaga? The throwing knife can't fly anymore?"

This came as a surprise to the eagle-nosed old man, who believed that the smaller the object, the less pressure, or gravity, on the stone steps. In fact, his guess was correct, but he didn't know that the smaller the object, the lower the pressure on the stairs, or the weaker the force of gravity. But he didn't know that he had reached the 50th floor. There is a lot of pressure, and it is difficult to move forward even with a flying knife!

"Old Piff, it's useless. That little man is very happy today, excuse me first."

Ye Hao sneered, for such a person, he doesn't mind being cynical, and immediately took a step, that is, facing the huge pressure, rushing up, the white light is getting brighter and brighter!

Blue silhouettes floated by, and bright and crisp laughter spread leisurely in the world. "Ye Hao, we have reached the seventy-ninth floor, can you still hold on?

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