Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1120 Stability

As soon as his body moved, Ye Hao rushed in, but when his body just entered the striped sky, all the fuzzy patterns burst out immediately, dazzling rays of light, and terrifying air movements were released, as if the resurrection of mortals and beasts Like the resurrection of mortals and beasts. A terrible invisible engine suddenly locked him up, and the casually scattered knives, weapons, and sticks were immediately stained with coldness, so like a locust in the sky, it took this intruder as Ye Hao, Fly around in the sky!

"Ye Hao! Be careful!"

The formation outside Cheng Lingsu saw countless weapons rushing towards Ye Hao, his little face was stunned, but why he didn't have a candle, he was so impulsive!

"Oh, this machine is terrible. If I were, I'm afraid I can't last three times, but now I can't." Looking around at the various weapons, Ye Hao's thoughts were deep, his eyes were cold, and he slowly spit out three images. Words as heavy as a mountain: "The law that controls soldiers, the law that creates the sky!"

"Control the laws of soldiers, occupy the skies, and create change!"

That weak voice, spit out from Ye Hao's mouth gently, contained strong confidence, imitating the voice of magic, with him as the center of the voice, an invisible force field immediately unfolded. All the weapons that entered the force field were like birds with broken wings, falling forcefully, losing their sharp jets, and forming a circular graveyard with a radius of three feet!

"no way!"

Cheng Lingsu rubbed his eyes, dumbfounded, and muttered to himself, three days ago, the boulder that entered the team headquarters was a one-hundred-jin boulder, just three days ago, Cheng Lingsu rubbed his eyes, dumbfounded , Whispering in a low voice, just three days ago, that boulder was still spinning in place. (End) The moment these weapons were bombarded, they turned into rustling gunpowder, but the current youth can make these weapons lose their attacking power, How powerful is this?

However, the invisible force field seemed to be a little unstable, Ye Hao's eyes flourished, and his body quickly returned, so he pulled the latter's fibrin hand in the astonishing voice of Cheng Lingsu, and rushed into the hundred people again. Soldiers are filled with countless icy arms!

"Don't be afraid, come with me."

The young man's weak voice, imitating endless magic, made Cheng Lingsu quickly quiet down in a panic, seeing one weapon after another falling on the ground, the sound kept ringing in his ears. And in this endless secret, these two characters are getting more and more distant in the battle, getting closer and closer to the simple pavilion.

Martial arts gate.

"Tengdong, have you thought about it? Are you willing to be my disciple and go to eat God's house with me?"

In a courtyard, the old man smiled and said that the smile on his face was like a flower with chrysanthemums, which looked very kind, if those who didn't know him thought it was an old man in what kind of family. However, if you can feel his body rippling under the pressure of the unity of privacy and space, you will understand that he is not an ordinary old man Hu, this man chatted with Teng Dong just three days ago, Master of the temple!

As soon as I saw Eat Heaven, I asked him. I was standing on Teng Dong's side respectfully, but I stood up respectfully and said sincerely: "The younger generation is willing, but they are only worried about the side of the homeowner."

"Okay, it's okay, as long as you promise, everything will be fine over there

Seeing Teng Dong moving, his face became softer and softer, he immediately laughed. At the door, they simply don't have enough and suitable resources to develop Teng Dong. Instead of keeping it,

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