Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1123 They

As the voice fell, she felt a pain in her neck and then lost consciousness.

Archers are good at ranged attacks. Once he becomes a target, he can only act as a target. Therefore, for his own safety, he must destroy the flowers with fiery hands.

"Three sisters!"

Seeing that woman was killed, the assassin's figure, if crazy, was full of killing in his eyes! This makes Ye Hao have to wonder if this is a real person or the result of real spiritual cohesion? How realistic!

"You should take care of yourself first."

Ye Hao teased quite ironically in his voice.

"Huh? I'm going to kill you!"

Assassinated a person and killed a Lin, just wanted to escape into the void and kill Ye Hao, but he was discovered, and the footsteps couldn't go out at all, as if stuck in the general's footsteps, what!

In the next moment, the huge black sword swept wildly and powerfully, like a mosquito-like life will be trapped in the footsteps of life, becoming a bit of a man's life!

One-handed sword, blunt but not sharp, the voice of the youth, but in this not too much layer of voice slowly began to sound. In order to solve the problem of these two people, Ye Hao turned around slowly, and smiled at the ambitious man who was about to sprint. Three of the three, in terms of combat effectiveness, should be the strongest with the mountain ax in front people. But ordinary people and archers who are good at assassination are both troublesome, so in order to be able to concentrate on fighting a strong man, he first deceives ordinary people by diving, killing archers with machines, and using a small amount of technology at the same time. Tie up the assassin and kill him later!

Although it pays a little damage, it can make a strong man full of strength in battle, and he no longer needs to worry about being attacked!

"Intruders, you kill them, no matter how strong you are, you have to die!" The strong man approached step by step, every step, breath is a crawl! And when he stopped, it turned out that it was just the refinement of the late breath, but it was steadily mentioned in the middle of the temple! The most important thing is that Ye Hao couldn't see what method he used to practice.

From the appearance, the shape of several points, the whole body is covered with gray leather armor, and the skull also has two horns. The whole person stands there like a tower! The breath of spinning silk is very scary.

"Son, you'd better be careful, the person in front of you should be the iron bull from the ancient tribe, his power boost should be the iron bull's blood that stimulates the body, just like your snake, once it is shot, whether it's an attack Or defense, there will be no small increase, not carelessness."

When Ye Hao tapped his tongue in the dark, the voice of the fish master slowly sounded in his heart. In the voice, there is a hint of caring, which makes Yuan Xin's heart warm, while Fish Master's knife has a rotten heart.

"Quack? Iron Bull Tribe? No wonder there are two horns on the head. It turned out to be a bull." Ye Hao was secretly afraid that the strong man was in front of him, relying on the power of his blood to raise his delicate veins to six times the temple in the middle of the world. , already comparable to the protection of the original Haozhang Law.

"They!" A strong man suddenly stepped on the sole of his foot, his whole body turned into the wind, rushed over, stuck five fingers into his claws, picked up the ax, and shook it directly! The ax has not arrived yet, if the space is a parody, it is the trace of being split!

Ye Hao's eyes were all ice-cold, so naturally he couldn't weaken his momentum, the dragon snake turned into a running dragon, suddenly waved his palm, and swung it out again without a sword!

A simple swing, bottom up!

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