Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1129

The little belly comes from a feeling of fire, that is the original flavor of Huang Fuqing! The evil fire, if it is normal, maybe it is a good vent, but at this time, if Ye Hao takes this kind of vent, it means that he has failed to break through the custom, from now to now.

On the sixth floor.

"Son, you must persevere, or my investment will be thrown into the sea." Seeing Ye Hao breathing more and more depressed, the owner of the fish hanging in the air was very anxious and asked for directions.

"All fantasies are illusory." Ye Hao slowly closed his eyes, ruthlessly suppressing the heat in his heart, letting Emperor Fu Qingyi's jade hands touch his face, the offensive fragrance, the temperature from the fingertips, all in the air Teases and stimulates the nerves of the ex, the gentle tenderness, the mound of heroes!

After counting the interests, Huang Fuqing slowly disappeared. Feeling that the former had disappeared, Ye Hao slowly opened his eyes, but his heart was relieved. Fortunately, she was gone, he had already reached his limit, if he spent another three hours, I'm afraid it would be him, not Huang Fuqing, who would lose.

The picture turned around again, here is a piece of whiteness, endless ice, thousands of miles of snow floating between the sky and the earth, it seems that only snow is left.

"You go, I don't know you." On the steep glacier, the Caucasian woman turned around, looked at a man in a long robe, and said slowly, as if these words had merged with the coldness of the world One.

"What, you say you don't know me? Don't you remember me, Xue'er? Impossible! Today, I worked hard for ten years and finally became a master of Nirvana, but you don't understand a single word!" The man in the robe The man roared, his face was full of incredible expressions, he was the ancient Ye Hao, in order to return to Xueer, he left Wu Fu, left Ming City, entered the north alone, and entered and exited the danger of the nine creatures many times Finally, with his hard work, ten years later, he wanted to break through Nirvana, but when he fell off the ice field, he found that the cute little girl in the past had become a stranger, without the sweetness of the past The feeling, some are like this. Only infinite indifference remained.

"Is the old man on the ice field erasing your memory, or is he forcing you to do something, telling Ye Hao that I will take you away?"

"I didn't know you at first. Don't be so affectionate, and don't think you are a master of Nirvana. Even if you are a saint, I killed the ice cap like before. There is no pardon for the iceman who harassed me!" Snow He looked at Ye Hao coldly, then turned around and didn't even look at it anymore.

Seeing the shadow slowly disappearing, Ye Hao gritted his teeth, Leng Binbin's words were like a knife, a knife cut his heart, ah! Damn, ridiculous, I worked hard for ten years, but that's it!

Turn around slowly, leave sadly, alone

The only one walking slowly, as if lifeless, into a body that only knows no purpose, walking the corpse out of the flesh, mourning the heart more than death!

"Wake up, boy! Wake up! Your old family's vengeance hasn't been paid! You haven't found your father! You haven't revealed the secrets of the tortured family! You haven't brought me back to my damn body. Wake up Wake up!" Looking at the extreme of breathing, the breath of life slowly quieted down, and the whole body began to emit a black trace of death, which is obvious, and it is a custom that cannot be broken! The fish owner roared, and the phantom of the shark fin entered his hand, shaking Ye Hao's body, but no matter how he shook it

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