Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1140 Refused

Hearing the old man's words, the originally silent conference hall suddenly turned on the pot, and some people even directly protested dissatisfied.

"Well, whoever is dissatisfied, come directly to participate in the old man's war." Seeing that the young people present were beginning to be dissatisfied, a white-haired old man suddenly stood up with evil spirits all over his body. Strong pressure immediately surrounded the entire empty layer,

He said: "This competition has been more than before, but anyone who can win the final victory has the right to enter Penglai Mountain. If any of you object, we have chosen the strongest among you." He spoke directly to the old man face to face. The white-haired old man snorted coldly, and then went straight back to his seat. The younger generation, who were not within the scope of understanding, looked through his eyes. Makes sense, just hard crap, their crap is just wasting their time,

Indeed, the white-haired old man's voice fell, and the originally noisy conference hall became calm again. It turned out that people's complaints were even an atmosphere of fear at this time, fearing that they would cause trouble to the body in the future.

He said: "This game is very important. All the children are present, but if you have confidence in your own strength, you can go forward and try. For the half-lifers of the older generation, don't compete with the younger generation for the time being." Fight." The old man who opened his mouth in charge of the chair came to see the scene calm down, and then he went on to say, "Well, I don't want to talk about anything else, friends, let's see what you can do, let's wait and see .”


As soon as the old man finished speaking, a dark light emanated from the crowd, immediately crossed the boundary above the ring, and stood directly at the center of the ring. And this person is not exactly Xia Miao's explorer, he was paired with Dongfang Haoyu's needle for the first time.

The Xia Miao explorer's arm waved lightly towards the void, and a long crimson sword about four feet long appeared in his palm immediately, and then its sword roared in the middle. So he pointed the knife in his hand directly at the crowd outside the field, and said: "Whoever comes to fight with me, let me try this knife."

As soon as this sentence was said, the person who originally wanted to go on stage was suddenly stunned, and involuntarily took a step back from the back. It wasn't because he was afraid of Xia Tian looking for feathers. However, when he just pointed the sword in his hand at the crowd, they could all clearly feel a strong chill enveloping their bodies immediately, as if at that moment, the human heart was under the power of the sword down, as if it had been frozen for a moment,

For Xia Yu explorers, Ye Hao turned a deaf ear to it, because the purpose of this trip was not to fight for control of Penghu Island at all, but to find Yao and Ouyang Yan, not to fight for control of Peng Laixian Island, but Go find Yao and Ouyang Yan. He doesn't want to do anything else,

He said: "Dongfang Haoyu, do you dare to fight me? I want to see if your reputation as a "Thunder Warrior" is rising to vanity, and I want to see if you start a war with me."

Seeing that no one dared to respond to the crowd, Xia Yuxi turned his sword and pointed at Dongfang Haoyu to challenge.

Originally, Dongfang Haoyu wanted to compete with Xia Miao when he saw Xia Miao on stage. It was only because he didn't want to go on stage too early that he controlled the impulse in his heart, but what he didn't expect was. Xia Yu explorer actually challenged by name, which made him very aggressive, how could he refuse?

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