Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1142 Right Hand

Looks like I despise you, now, let's see, I'm at my best,"

Dongfang Haoyu's body moved, and countless thunderstorms shot out from his body instantly, condensing into a set of silver-white battle armor. Although the style of battle armor is very simple, it has not lost the supremacy of the king. On the battle armor, countless runes wriggled like thunder dragon snakes, condensed into a strange large array, in a huge array, the powerful mana was like a million horses, like a general, in the violent flow,

Obviously, this is a magic weapon, with a purely defensive low-level instrument,

Dongfang Haoyu was wearing battle armor and was not under serious battle, but his arms were slowly shaking in front of his chest, and suddenly, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared between his palms, and his arms were seen to be gently closed. His palms were pulled in different directions at the same time, and a silver-white lightning sword suddenly appeared on his palm.

And this long weapon, unexpectedly, is also a low-level weapon, but unlike the battle armor on his body, the Thunder long weapon is a purely offensive magic weapon, just like the chaotic thunder sword in Ye Hao's hand . It's just that this long weapon is more powerful than the messy Thunder Sword in his hand. "Oh, with a contraption like this, I still look down on you, but I just don't know," he said. The armor on your body can withstand my sword

nonsense. Seeing that she didn't have a right hand, Xia Yuxi didn't stop at all, only saw her body shaking in the gap, and millions of people suddenly broke free from the dark red sword energy, showing a tendency to encircle. They all bombed the body of Dongfang Haoyu,

"Because of your sword, you want to break the thunder armor on me, you are too delusional, I know it is not your full power, if you want to defeat me, do you have all your power," he said, "If you If you want to beat me, you can break the thunder armor, you will be too wishful thinking, too delusional," he said. "Let me see how good you are," Dong Haoyu didn't want to show weakness at all, and urged the thunder and fierce thunder on his body without reservation, and in an instant, it was like a mountain and a sea. The spirit of the sword, being bombarded on himself, was shattered,

"The thunderstorm in the sky, the essence of the law,"

Just as he was speaking, the thunder of Dongfang Haoyu suddenly rose, and under the impetus of the thunder, his body was driven by a "lightning strike", and then, after a while, a thunderbolt appeared above Dongfang Haoyu's head, In the void formed a figure bathed in lightning, holding a thunder spear in his hand. god of thunder and drums,

At this time, the huge Thunder God was suspended in the void, twenty beads containing powerful thunder and lightning slowly floated under his body, his whole body was bathed in countless thunder sounds, the thunder horn-like thunder, under the powerful thunder and lightning Under the pressure, the entire ring seemed to become a world of thunder and lightning, passing through the void, breaking the sky of thunder and lightning, and in an instant, the feathers of the entire summer were directly covered by it,

He said: "Oriental good jade, I don't think there are 28 incarnations among your dharma gods, you are still gods of thunder, and you seem to be planning to enter the Tao with thunder." In the vast oriental world, not only is there no fear on his face, on the contrary, a cold smile is drawn at the corner of his mouth.

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