Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1149 Correct

At the moment of extreme crisis, Yao immediately printed five handprints in a row. These five mudras are exactly the symbols of the mudras of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and the five elements, and when his last mudra was completed, five dazzling lights erupted from her body and condensed on top of her head into a five-element pattern.

The area covered by this array is so large that it directly covers the entire ring.


Under the shroud of the five-line formation, the spirit of the sword that was about to bomb Yao was isolated by it, making it impossible for them to harm Yao at all, but the power contained in the spirit of the meteor was in it. In addition, when it comes to falling from the sky, the power of falling is given, but Yao who is in the middle of the battle feels the mighty Cathay.

Knowing that the formation of the five elements is made of her magic, for it to work, Yao must constantly pour his mana into it to keep him running.

Although the formation method can resist most of Yao's damage, it also consumes the mana of Yao's body. Once the mana is exhausted, the law of formation will also be invulnerable.

"Give up, you can't beat me, if you continue like this, you will be seriously injured," at this moment, the voice of Xia Yu explorer suddenly came from the void: "Give up,"

"Stop talking nonsense, if you make any move, go out," Yao snorted coldly, not taking Xia Yuxi's persuasion seriously, but frantically urged the mana in his body. Infuse it into the five lines above the head,

"Well, if that's the case, you're offended," Xia Yu explorer sighed, and then the huge sword body fell out of the void again, wave after wave of meteors, meteors stronger than just now down. Bombed the five-line rule,


Once again, he was violently attacked by the opponent, Yao suddenly bled, and his face became a little pale.

"The autumn water, let me break it." Just in a moment of blood, Yao no longer held back, directly sacrificing his magic weapon,

For a while, however, all the monks who had locked their eyes to their rings suddenly felt their own eyes, and a blinding light flashed past, and when the light died they all saw clearly. Like a rose-colored light, a ribbon blooming from the Tao floated beside Yao, enveloping her whole being under the light of the Tao.

Under this bright light, the five-line formation suspended in the air suddenly burst out with unprecedented power. For a moment the force passed through the gap. Straightforwardly speaking, like a meteor like a general sword aura, all the earthquakes spread out, and even Xia Yu's feathers in the center of the sword aura were directly impacted by this force and flew out. The spirit of the sword, condensed on the long sword, was vague at first,

Apparently, it is this power that dissipates some of the aura of mana,

"The one in the middle, that ribbon is the one in the middle," he said.

"What, intermediate dojo, how is this possible, intermediate dojo - this is the magic weapon of time power, how could it be in the hands of this woman?"

"Yeah, that aura is still the same horror it just exploded into, yes, absolutely right, it's definitely a mid-level device. Oh my gosh, she actually has a mid-level device."

When the monks saw Yao offering sacrifices, there was a look of shock on their faces, not only them, but also the 13 mentors, as well. But in their surprised eyes, more greed,

It's important to know that while Yao's ribbons and Dongfang Haoyu's armor and long weapons are magic weapons of the Taoist class

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