Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1157 Women

The Xia Miao explorer saw that Ye Hao's arm turned into a dragon's claw, and it was rumbling directly against his body. He was not surprised at all, then the body of the sword would move slightly, and those exploding sword glows directly, Locked in the claws of the broken dragon,


Ye Hao saw Xia Yu's lion suddenly turn around, and his heart also moved suddenly. Suddenly, the dragon claws trembled, and countless dragon-shaped Gang Qi suddenly spread out, directly resisting those towering sword glows. The dragon claw he broke free from the sky, but at this time has been directly forced to the front of the summer feather explorer, the eyes are about to slap the other side of the body directly,

"No," the summer feather explorer murmured, and then the body of the sword tried to flash. At the same time, a bright green light suddenly burst out from the words engraved with runes on the body of the sword, and it was covered layer upon layer on the body of the sword. However, when the Xia Miao explorer defended the green light blocked in the middle, he also launched a counterattack.

I saw the violent spirit once again condensed into a huge "Gang Qi" from the sword, and this group of Qi came out, and even collapsed on the border of the field around him. Has been transformed into a majestic vitality, into which,

At this moment, he finally despaired,

The profound meaning of Xia Miao's explorer is that even with this light of defense, he can resist Ye Hao's dragon claws, but he will inevitably suffer great trauma and rely on Ye Hao's terrifying body speed. Once he wins and pursues himself, the result is absolutely certain to be defeated, so he makes a quick decision to attack and defend at the same time.

If Ye Hao chooses to fight fiercely with him, then he will definitely suffer great harm. In that case, there is still a chance to defeat him. Of course, he would not think that Ye Hao would choose to give up the attack, because the way of the strong would be given up. Possession is difficult to push forward. Once the other party chooses to retreat under such circumstances, then in his mind, he loses himself,

Facts also proved that Xia Yuxi's point of view was correct. Not only was Ye Hao not cowardly at all, but he accelerated the power of the dragon's claws.

"Dragon Fight Eight Wastelands"

"The meaning of the sword is incomparable,"

In an instant, the ferocious dragon aura, the sharp sword aura, collided with each other, not only the vitality of the entire human ring, but even the vitality contained in the entire Penglai fairy island. At this time, at a very fast speed, they are condensing towards the ring of the whole person. Driven by vigorous vitality, the dragon and sword energy collided violently like two huge whirlpools.

"What a terrible breath. Are they really only six or seven monks? Like a terrifying force, how powerful are they?"

"Even the energy in my body, driven by their vortex, has a feeling of wanting to rush out of it," he said.

"Evil, these two are simply evil, such terrible forces, or human beings,"

Seeing the battle in front of us, all the monks showed extremely shocked expressions, especially those who hadn't clearly seen that Ye Hao was just a thunderstorm. At this moment, one after another, unable to even speak, this has already made Ye Hao think highly of the 13 main directors. Seeing this situation, he can't help but make a new estimate of Ye Hao's strength.

"I didn't know that this brother Yuntian was so powerful, he could challenge him two levels in a row, and still win the advantage. We, the so-called geniuses, seem to be compared with him. "It's not just a famous saying," Dongfang's heavy rain With a sigh some lost soul said,

Maybe other people only know that Ye Hao is powerful, but as for how powerful he is, maybe only Dongfang Haoyu knows, you know, not long ago, he was still fighting Xia Yu explorer. The power of Xia Yu's explorer is absolutely clear. At this time, Ye Hao can rely on the strength far below the opponent's two strengths. He has fought against the opponent until now, and still has the upper hand. His strength, the strength of the strong, is conceivable of,.

He said: "In fact, although I don't believe it very much, I have to admit that if I really start, I'm afraid that if I don't take 50 steps, I will definitely lose. It's still because the opponent didn't use the magic weapon," he said . "Hearing Dongfang Haoyu's words, the originally powerful sword fell silent, and said with an excited expression.

Meanwhile, in another part of the ring, three women and a man were also watching the fight in the ring. However, when the three women saw Ye Hao's strength, the expression on his face was excited, on the contrary, the man standing next to them was helpless.

These three women are not others. Is it Yao, Ouyang Yan, or Ye Xiaoxiao. As for that person, it was Chill Snowflake, one of the three demons who once fought with Ye Hao in World War I.

"It turns out that I thought that after this period of confession, my own strength has successfully surpassed you. I didn't expect you to leave me far behind." Ye Hao, leave me far behind you. After all, you still have to give me a big blow, and you are satisfied," Icy Snow sighed helplessly, with a weeping and smiling expression on her face,"

"Feixue, I didn't expect you to be so confident, you rarely admit defeat," Yao whispered when he heard Leng Xue's words.

"Ah," Han Feixue'er sighed again, shaking her head helplessly.


At this moment, the battle for the ring came to an end. After a while, a roar that could shake the world suddenly erupted from the ring, and two spirals of vitality that were originally not humble began to erupt from the ring. At this time, it had disappeared, leaving only the ravaged ring, and the figures of two people still standing above the ring.

At this time, Ye Hao and Xia Yu explorer stood in front of them, Ye Hao with one sleeve had been reduced to ashes, revealing his white and powerful arm, Xia Yu's feathered explorer's arm was trembling non-stop. in his hand

The sword was stuck by his side, and there was a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he had been traumatized at this time.

After looking at each other for a while, they suddenly showed faint smiles from the corners of each other's mouths.

"Although I am very reluctant, it is undeniable that you are really strong," Xia Yuxi said calmly.

"I lost," Xia Yu explorer said, although his voice was not loud, but among the monks present, whoever was not a person with great strength could naturally hear what he said clearly in an instant. monks present,

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