Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1159: Opponent

Miles from the circle, you can even feel the surge of energy that erupted during the war. Moreover, just the strength of the energy shock can directly break through and distort the space. "What kind of monsters are these two people?"

"Evil, these two are absolutely evil, they are no longer human,"

"How terrifying. I just thought that after the battle with Xia Yujun, Ye Hao was already at the end of the firefight. I didn't expect that he still had such a terrifying power hidden."

"Then, that guy is really just a five-fold lightning strike, so that he will have such terrifying power, when he is raised to the boundary, who else will be his opponent under the rule of the gods?"

Seeing the double struggle between Ye Hao and Chen Yi, many monks in the audience came to a standstill. Some people originally thought that Ye Hao was only making a sound in the form of deterrence, while only bluffing people, originally wanted to go to the stage to pick up cheap people. What's more, the mouth grows directly, which I haven't been able to do myself for a long time.


But at this time, on the ring, the intertwined palms of Ye Hao and Chen Yi immediately recovered. The two took a step back at the same time, and then approached each other violently to attack and rush out.

"Flying sand and walking stones"

Chen Yi turned her body around, waving her hands, and the deep sleeves suddenly erupted with countless dark yellow vitality. During the rotation of these vitality, the sand and stones flying around were also pushed up, creating a huge dust cloud. engulfed Ye Hao,

"Thunder, breaking the law,"

Ye Hao saw that the corpse suddenly moved, and thousands of "Thunder Gang" poison gas exploded between the limbs at the same time. These thunderbolts were just seven, like a berserk dragon, rushing directly into the huge sandstorm in front of us.


The sound of countless thunderstorms suddenly came from the sandstorm, and with the last roar, the storm swept by the extreme speed immediately exploded directly from the inside. disappeared into the ring,

Before the sandstorm disappeared, Ye Hao didn't let it go coldly. Countless Lei Gang poisonous gas exploded from his body again, directly bombarding Chen Yi's body. The speed of these explosions was very fast, just in a blink of an eye. He had already reached Chen Yi's body, and the violent thunder sound immediately broke from the layer of vitality on his body. Seeing the sudden rise of "Lei Gangqi", Chen Yimo didn't want to avoid any action, and instantly blocked the vitality from his body. Standing still, watching the sudden rise of thunder gas, Chen Yishi didn't want to evade any action. Only by seeing his body move, the mana of the body will be moved. Immediately, countless channels of cold magic burst out from the knack of his body, right behind him, in a moment, a body has gained hundreds of thousands The false shadow of a bison suddenly appeared, during which the magic gas rolled down, and countless space crystal walls burst instantly, and the powerful vitality fluctuated like a tide, pouring out. Through the connection between the empty world and the real world, the air also explodes and tumbles under this breath, as if a picture of the world has been shattered.

Wait a minute, the tempest of the storm, also a sudden turn, in the empty world around it and the real world, stressful, suddenly scattered to pieces.

At this time, Chen Yi's robe was floating, and his whole body was suspended in the void. His palms slowly rose, and countless subtle lights flickered in the palms, as if they contained the most terrifying power in the world. People felt that he gently Waving his hands, he can cover the sky and destroy the world at any time, his extremely sharp eyes seem to penetrate any fantasy, and suddenly appear in the empty illusion in front of him.

"Powerful sacred skills,"

Chen Yi roared suddenly, clasped his palms with five fingers, and a terrifying cloud suddenly condensed from his hands, forming a hollow black hole between his palms, crazily devouring the vitality between heaven and earth,

In an instant, the vitality contained in the surrounding space immediately poured into his body, and this vitality entered Chen Yi's body. The shadow of the buffalo behind him also condensed a bit. It turned out that there were some blurred bodies, but now it seemed to have returned to nature. Chen Yi devoured the vitality of the earth, and used Chen Yi to devour the vitality of the world. The huge body, already Half an foot tall, it actually started to swell violently, becoming bigger than ever.

"In that case, let you see what a sea of ​​dragons look like," Ye Hao said, looking at the bull, which was colliding at a very fast speed, with an excited expression on his face, he knew the great strength of his opponent right in front of him. This is definitely not comparable to the opponents he has encountered before, and he also needs such opponents to enable him to surpass his limits and stimulate his potential again and again, thereby improving his mana.

Between the words, a crystal color suddenly appeared on Ye Hao's skin. Countless phantoms formed by the vitality of thunder and lightning, the vitality of the five elements, the vitality of yin and yang, and light flowed in them, many of them Dao used the vitality of thunder and lightning, the vitality of the five elements, the vitality of yin and yang, and the flow of light in it. With the flow of countless times of energy, the skin of his body actually began to undergo tremendous changes, and actually began to grow the same size as their fingernails. The golden scales spread out quickly. His whole body was immediately covered with a layer of scales,

"Give me a face", when Ye Hao's body was undergoing dramatic changes, the hanging Chen Yi suddenly screamed in the sky, and then he saw the fake bull behind him that had grown to a height of nearly two hundred feet Ying suddenly burst out a huge vitality mask, immediately wrapping it and Chen Yi's body inside,


Then, the huge gas hood exploded in an instant, and in the strong gas impact, a violent gas storm immediately erupted in all directions, and a group of monks were immediately attacked by this crucial gas storm. The direct impact took a few steps back, and with his powerful mana

Supporting resistance, this stabilized the body, and those inferior people, unable to urge their mana to resist the monk, what's more, he was directly blown to the ground by this vitality storm.

He said: "What a terrifying power, as long as the impact of body vitality can burst out such terrifying power."

He said: "Although it is very uncertain, it is undeniable that the potential of this son is indeed terrifying. Only at this point, he is the nurturing of the border, so he has such terrifying power, so he will wait for his future The ascension to an undead state, or even a virtual wonderland. There are absolutely no limits," he said.

"That's right, I thought Ye Hao's child was already very strong, but I didn't expect to jump out for an hour at this time,"

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