Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1169 Leap

Surrounding his body, intertwined and rotated, accompanied by the intertwined rotation of the laws of the Taoist Immortal Kingdom, the breathing of Ye Hao's whole body was pushed to an unprecedented peak.

Therefore, Jiuji Tu, Chaos Thunder Sword, Xuantian Ding, and the mysterious yellow symbol also jointly chose the time power and space power contained in these pottery at this time. At this time, it was also completely released and entered Ye Hao's body.

Then, his mind suddenly surged, and driven by this mental fluctuation, the spiritual concept immediately rose from Ye Hao's head, from Ye Hao's head. an ancient portal in the void,

This portal is, among other things, the gate to the world of fairies,

"It's broken, I actually realized it at this time," when Ye Hao and Chen Yidun suddenly changed in the play, he made a fuss and yelled directly. At this time, he wanted to stop Ye Hao's behavior, but the facts told him that it was too late up,

At this moment, Chen Yi clearly felt that Ye Hao had just punched out. Although he had lost control, terrorist forces were involved in it, but he could not take any action against it.

However, Chen Yi didn't know that although Ye Hao had entered a state of understanding at this time, when he waved the punch, he had already felt the changes in his body. Then he imbued it with a tinge of his thoughts,

Although this kind of thinking cannot directly oppose Chen Yi, but with his strong spirit, he surpasses ordinary people. Even if he wants to break through that punch and defeat his own thoughts, it is not easy. As long as you can fight for yourself for a moment, then everything will be completely Change.

This is also why Ye Hao, when he dared to fight in the ring, directly entered the state of understanding and broke his own practice.

"What, Ye Hao was fighting, trying to hit a thunderbolt six times, and God was changing," he said.

"Oh my God, he's a man or a spirit, and in combat, he's directly aware of that," he said.

He said: "Evil is definitely evil. With the help of Lei Sheng's five-fold cultivation, it is possible to defeat the Four Faces. Once he successfully advances, I am afraid that even Chen Yi will not be his opponent. He is also invincible. If his promotion If he succeeds, it is impossible for him to become his opponent. This person can definitely be called the first person who survived half his life."

Seeing the change in Ye Hao's body, everyone present was shocked again. Everyone's eyes were full of incredible expressions, they really couldn't believe it. In fact, at this time, with the help of the oppressive force brought to him by the battle, Ye Hao broke through the shackles of his mental state and entered a whole new level.

Not only the monks who had just become monks were present, but the thirteen headmasters on the field at that time were also old, and they were also taken aback. The elders of the mystic sect stood up straight and excitedly, with sharp eyes. He was watching Ye Hao's ring closely, and inadvertently, a strong killing flashed in his eyes,

"This son, as long as he does this, he has such great power that he can no longer stay. Otherwise, once he grows up, it will definitely be a disaster. At this time, the day of his master's rebirth is getting closer . " All the monks in the school seem to have noticed something. At such a critical moment, there is no room for error. "The elders of the mysterious sect, the secret way in their hearts, and the eyes of everyone present." My There is a cold light in the eyes,

"Ah, look, this time, in our world of truth, there is another character of the evil level. This person seems to have a great connection with me in the mountain." Look, after returning to the mountain gate this time, you must come back Teach him, ten thousand people will bring this man to the door," said Fang Cunshan's chief senior executive, at this time, he also found the oldest elder of the mysterious sect, and his hidden murderous eyes began to laugh Get up," said the old man in Fangcunshan.

This sentence seems to be said casually, but the meaning contained in it is a direct reminder to everyone present, never try, but it is better to weigh the consequences for a few seconds before you want to take action.

Among the old people here, which one is not the spirit of an old man who has lived for tens of thousands of years? As soon as the white-haired old man came out, he naturally understood what it meant. It was obvious that Fang Cunshan was deliberately protecting Ye Hao.

Fang Changqing said: "Fang Changqing, if you like it, or it may not be someone else, don't forget that Ye Hao is a disciple of Mount Putuo, and the relationship is very shallow. Although Mount Putuo does not accept male disciples, don't forget that Ye Hao is from Mount Putuo. Disciple." Fang Changqing said. However, Yao is the successor of Mount Putuo, "At this time, the main director of Mount Putuo has always understood the meaning of "Dao" and "righteousness", and immediately agreed with Dao.

This is exactly what she wanted to say to the people present, that is, to tell everyone that this person named Ye Hao is protected by Putuo and Fangcun, and it is best not to have any thoughts.

Sure enough, after hearing what these two people said, several of the eleven directors present showed a kind of disappointment, and the elders of the mysterious sect were a little despised on their faces.


When the thirteen elders were talking about Ye Hao, on the ring, Ye Hao, who was originally unknown, suddenly stood up.

This leap was like a majestic mountain climbing over mountains, and then, on top of his head, countless souls intertwined, and finally hid behind his forehead. It condenses into a dizzying halo, and while it appears extremely thin and devoid of any odd presence, any light it emits seems to be able to pass right through the void.

And this is when the monk succeeds in ascending to the ever-changing state of God, and only then does he gather into a ray of light.


At the same time, when Ye Hao successfully ascended to the realm of divine transformation, he injected the spirit of that punch, and was also directly knocked down. Chen Yi's ferocious blade was firmly locked on Ye Hao again.

Although the speed of this blow was much slower than before, under the protection of the punch just now, the powerful force it involved was more domineering and majestic.

"here you go"

In the face of this attack, Ye Hao didn't have the slightest fear, so his heart started to beat. A four-foot-long sword suddenly appeared in his palm, and it vibrated suddenly. Countless fierce sword energy suddenly condensed. Then, he went straight to the knife given by Chen Yi.

Under the impact of the long sword, countless thunderbolts erupted from the blade instantly, directly enveloping Ye Hao's entire group in it, and at the same time, Ye Hao also had a single purpose, a direct step of spiritual power.

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