Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1171 Huge

, otherwise, it would be unthinkable," he said.

At this time, the thirteen elders who completed the border were arranged and shouted at the same time. Little did they know that they relied on themselves and others to have 13 semi-immortal monks. The United Defense Alliance cannot resist the power of Taoist weapons in the hands of Ye Hao and Chen Yi.

However, not to mention the actions of Ye Hao and Chen Yi themselves, it is no wonder that they have one or two more directors than the thirteen main directors present. Only the forces of terror broke out from the weapons of Taoism in their hands. It's not something they can resist at the moment. Moreover, at this time, as many as four Taoists collided on the Lord of the Rings, among which, except for the chaotic Thunder Sword in Ye Hao's hands, the lowest level was at the same time. are in the middle channel,

Because one of them is Tao, and the other is Tao created by oneself, so their power has been fully exerted. However, from a theoretical point of view, the spiritual power of the medieval props has been greatly improved. That is to say, at this time, the practice of the 13 elders, even Ye Hao and Chen Yi, and the two monks are no less than the semi-immortal realm , Their power superposition will definitely not be greater than the combined power of the 13 elders.

However, what they did not expect was that although these 13 CEOs were very powerful, they ignored the differences in the characteristics of their own practices. There are even mana essences of the life force of some elders in the body, which are mutually restrained,

In this way, once the mana is connected between them, it is inevitable that due to mutual restraint, there will be a gap in the vitality between them in the movement. Although these gaps are not very obvious, once they encounter a strong gas impact, these gaps will collapse rapidly at the same time, making the entire boundary very fragile.

At the same time, Ye Hao and Chen Yi, who was shrouded in the border, did not realize the changes brought about by the two people in the war. Instead, they threw themselves into the fight.

rumble, rumble,

In an instant, a strong explosion sounded, and with every loud noise, the crystal wall in the surrounding space was the huge force of two people directly exploding into pieces. There are huge black holes in space appearing in space,

"Chen Yi, the vitality of your body is about to dry up. After all, your strongest knife cannot suppress me. Look, the final victory of this game will be mine," so Ye Hao suddenly opened his mouth. When he spoke, his face It looked unusually flat.

At this time, Chen Yi's face was already covered with virtual sweat, the robe on her upper body was also torn, and the magic power in her whole body had already begun to disintegrate. She looked very embarrassed, but even so. On his handsome face, there is still a faint smile,


At this time, Chen Yi suddenly let out a cold buzzing sound, and then a bright red light burst out all over his body, like a burning flame, immediately enveloped him all over the world. With the burning of a strange flame, the vitality in his body, which was about to dry up, actually expanded at a tremendous speed, and even his original bronze color began to turn bright red.

"At first I didn't want to use this sentence, but since you forced me to do it, I can't do it," Chen Yi's voice sounded again, full of absolute confidence.

"Blood donation talent, open,"

In the second minute, Chen Yi suddenly overeat. The flames that surrounded his body were actually shot into the sky like a volcanic eruption, turning into a giant pillar of burning flames.

"What?" Ye Hao trembled when he heard Chen Yi say "blood sacrifice talent"

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