Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1174 Careful

Under this blow, Chen Yi could no longer stay in office. He knew that once his own sword could not completely defeat Ye Hao, then the next moment, the one who lost must be himself, so far. He had to take all the energy he could out of him,

Feeling the fierce knife, Ye Hao didn't panic at all, his arms relaxed, his five fingers suddenly condensed into fists, his body moved, and his whole body suddenly shot out like an arrow from the string, and exploded. hit Chen Yi's body directly,

No one can describe the terrorist forces involved in this strike, nor the hegemony of its power.

At this time, Ye Hao's exposed skin was no longer the exquisite dragon scales before, but showed a crystal luster. In these splendors flowed the thunder in which the life force of the five elements surged. The forces of yin and yang are at work in it. It was as if with this punch, all the power contained in Ye Hao's body was still coming together. I'm afraid that even the opponents of the Immortal Kingdom will be bombarded head-on by it, and its immortality will not die. They'll all be blown up in an instant,

In an instant, Ye Hao's fist rushed into the meteor, breaking the sky, and the power of the fist turned into a force of life force, like a protective shield. After a while, Ye Hao hacked his own knives to death, and all the knives were scattered by the earthquake. directly off their flight path,

"You can't help it," he said.

Seeing that all the knives he exploded were scattered under Ye Hao's fist, Chen Yi screamed in surprise, his face suddenly filled with an indescribable expression. At this moment, he could clearly feel that Ye Hao's fist It only contains the strength of his body, and there is no power to urge any magic weapon on him.

And just relying on the power that erupted from his body, he could directly turn Chen Yi to behead and bleed, and after the unification of human wealth, all the power that erupted would directly resist the earthquake and disperse it. What a terrifying power it would be.

At this time, Chen Yi really realized Ye Hao's true power, at least if it was their own, facing the action she just made, relying on her own strength alone, she couldn't do the same thing as Ye Hao,

"Come on, let me take a closer look," he said.

The next moment, Chen Yi's arm trembled, and he shot out the same punch. This punch, like an arrow piercing through the sky, crossed the sky until it reached the void.


The fists of these two people collided in the void at once, and then, countless majestic vitality, as if condensed into sharp swords and arrows, erupted instantly from the place where the two fists were intertwined. A huge energy shock, a devastating energy shock, followed by the explosion of two people's bodies,


In the bursts of energy, the 13 chief executives who jointly arranged the demarcation line were all old, and their bodies were shaken directly from a place 100 meters away, and their joint arrangement for the next line of boundary was also broken in an instant up. It was as if the boundary was broken, and the impact of energy spread in an instant. Penglai Xianshan suddenly trembled violently, countless peaks began to crack, and the earth began to collapse. Even some growing plants remained silent and reduced to ashes.

With only a few breaths of effort, the original imitation world is not the source of Xianshan, and now it has become a mess,

At this time, when the smoke and dust dissipated slowly, these two figures also appeared before everyone's eyes, and these two figures, not others, were the instigators of the terrible scene before them. Ye Hao Chen Yi,

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