Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1193 Situation

"Welcome to the space of death", at the same time, in the void, suddenly there was a very cold voice, as if it was everywhere, spreading from all the spaces around it. Shooting directly avoiding Ye Hao and others' thoughts, the direction of the sound cannot be correctly identified, from the correct source of transmission,

Obviously, for those present, only the voice can discover the owner of the voice, and his own cultivation is definitely higher than himself, still much higher than this.

It must be known that the profession of everyone present is at least six times that of thunder, and Ye Hao, the tallest, has reached the realm of eightfold immortal robbery, and his spiritual concept is already very strong. At least in Wonderland, without any hidden breath, there is no way to escape the exploration of his thoughts.

"The older generation, don't know what we need to do so that we can pass your proficiency test," Ye Hao saw, they couldn't feel each other's footprints, and they didn't want to consume their own mental strength. Immediately he retracted all spiritual thoughts he had observed, and he bowed to the void.

"Congratulations on being able to pass through the space of life and come to the space of death where I live. You can directly call me death. As long as you pay the price of faith, it is not difficult for you to pass my level." So naturally, I succeeded broke through this barrier. "Just after Ye Hao's voice fell, he heard a cold voice, and then made another call."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, everyone present immediately showed a look of surprise, and each other's puzzled eyes turned to each other, Ye Hao was the only one. The expression on the face is still so calm, only in the deep eyes, the sharp eyes are constantly blooming, making it impossible for people to guess the thoughts in their hearts at this moment.

"If I guessed well, the price you said should be death," Ye Hao said, and after a while, with a faint smile on his face, he began to guess in his heart.

For a moment, when all the people were present, when they heard Ye Hao's words, everyone's face immediately showed a shocked expression, and a blank face was of course staring at Ye Hao. They didn't doubt Ye Hao's conjecture at the time, but they wanted to know why Ye Hao said that, if, as he said, only death can pass the current pass. So even if it passes, what's the point of it?

"Oh, you are that boy. After absorbing the vitality of life, not only did you not become a puppet, but you improved your realm with the help of vitality." As for Ye Hao's guess, the owner of that voice was obviously stunned. But soon, he answered, and raised immediate doubts.

"This is the younger generation," Ye Hao said with a smile.

"As life says, not only do you practice your gifts so amazingly, but you have a much better mind than the average person," Death said approvingly, before adding, "That's right. If you want to pass me Stationed in dead space, you have to pay the price of death."

As soon as this was said, the people present were shocked again. Although after hearing Ye Hao's speculation, they already had some thoughts in their hearts, but at the same time, when such thoughts were confirmed, they still couldn't restrain their excitement, but when they saw Ye Hao's still calm face , They realized that things seemed to be different from what they imagined, which gradually calmed the alarm bells in their hearts.

"In this case, we will accept this test," Ye Hao said lightly.

"All right,"

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