Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1197

Great fear is the top secret of the magic path. Once the practice is successful, against the enemy, and using it, you can directly stimulate the vitality of your own body, directly attack the mind and spirit of others, and if you succeed, you can directly stimulate the vitality of your own body. This arouses the deep fear of other people, and becomes a monk's spiritual demon, leaving the shadow of failure and the shadow of fear in the spiritual mind of the other party. If there is no difference, the power created by great fear will be relatively weakened, and it may even be subject to the psychological rebound of the other party.

God's practice of "great fear" was wiped out, and Ye Hao immediately stuck his memory firmly in his mind. What he has now, however, is anything that leads directly to one side. He can deeply remember it in his mind, but for this incarnation, Ye Hao is not in a hurry to practice at this time. For him, the most important thing is to try to help "death", use his own spiritual power, pass through the fairy world, pass on his memory to his own practice, and learn the laws of heaven from the fairyland,

For Ye Hao this time, although the ancient incarnation is good, it doesn't mean much to him. Those monks who practiced to his kingdom, even if they practice an ancient incarnation, the time it takes very short. As long as we communicate directly with the fairy world, with the help of the vitality of the fairy world, it is possible to directly train this avatar to the perfect stage in just a few days.

On the contrary, as long as you quickly promote your own practice, it is the most practical,

In the process of conveying the message of death to himself, Ye Hao clearly discovered that if he wanted to hit the realm of vanity, then he needed to directly communicate his spiritual concepts with the fairy world, and this kind of communication, if not for cultivation Immortal, that would be a very dangerous situation,

We all know that once a monk wants to be promoted to a thunderbolt, then he must use his own spiritual power to attack the gate of fairyland. Once the gate of the fairyland is opened, the monk can learn the law of heaven from it. However, at the time of the raid, the impact on the gate of the fairyland is only a projection, and the laws of heaven contained in it are extremely limited, that is to say, there is not a single decree about the realm of the fairyland that contains the tiniest thing.

In this way, if a monk wants to break into the realm of vanity, then he must find the ontology at the gate of the fairyland and communicate directly with it. In this way, the law of nihilism can be drawn from it.

This is also why when Ye Hao was promoted to the realm of immortality, no matter how he aroused his spiritual power, he couldn't absorb any gods from it.

At this moment, Ye Hao forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart and returned to a calm state. Then, Ye Hao's spiritual power opened immediately, and formed a huge spider web directly covering his head. The roots and whiskers of each cobweb link go straight into space and seek contact with faerie gates hidden in alien space.

In the strange space, there are endless space-time storms and space turbulence, which is extremely terrifying. The spiritual concept of the monks, the seven-layer monks who were robbed by ordinary mines, once the soul rushed into them, it was easy to burn the body to death with fire, To be directly crushed by this storm and turbulence, and thus fluctuate to the monk's own soul, is not only the state of immortality, but also his own soul and spirit. It will also be improved by flight quality,

In this way, although the space-time storm and space turbulence are powerful, they want to cause a lot of damage to Ye Hao. And, at this time, he is practicing to the pinnacle of immortality.


In an instant, Ye Hao immediately felt his thoughts fluctuate violently, and then felt the infinite storm of time and space, directly integrating his thoughts into it, all the spiritual power. It seems that at this moment, completely out of control,

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