Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1204 Instant

But in this strange space, there is no vitality to provide practice. Once it is impossible to break through the shackles of this space, then even if everyone has a long-lived yuan, in this strange space, it is just waiting for the old the end of death,

"I don't believe it, this small place is like trapping me," Jian hummed silently and coldly, and then with a sharp blow, he directly bombarded the distorted space around it. Trying to keep the captive in its own space, forcing it through,

With this blow, the violent vitality instantly condensed into sword-shaped lightning, and between these lightnings, the surrounding space was suddenly broken.

it's crackling,

Then, countless sword-shaped lightnings exploded on the crystal wall of the surrounding space, and the original distorted space immediately began to shake and rise, and many ripples formed by the space distortion were also instantly broken, but when these space ripples disappeared, the silent strike of the sword It also dissipated. No damage can be done to the invisible constraints of the surrounding space.

"Here, this. How is this possible," the silent man said loudly, seeing the crystal wall of the space in front of him, without any signs of cracking,

Regarding his own power, the sword's silence is beyond question, but it contains 80% of his power at nearly its prime, and in that power he realizes that the laws of the field are injected into it, such a blow Strangely speaking, it breaks the limitation of the immediate space, even in the alien space, it directly opens a space tunnel. Not difficult,

However, it is true that this punch not only failed to break through the constraints of this space, but also did not even cause him any damage. This silenced the original confident sword, how could it not be shocked by it?

"I can't believe that with my strength, I can't break through this little space bondage," Jian said, and after taking a silent sip of anger, his arms swung again, and his fist continued to slam into the space in front of him. The crystal wall waved.

10, 100,000, 100,000 Countless fists, constantly swinging, the speed of the fists, I can't see his movements at all, but the retraction between the fists, leaving a remnant,

Just at the moment of kung fu, the sword has been silent to nearly 100 million punches, and the power of each punch is almost all the power in his body, and the power of each punch is enough to directly break through this space. A hollow tunnel was opened directly, but even so, these fists bombarded the space in front, but still couldn't hurt him, only in this space. Leaving a continuous turbulent ripple,

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked. Even Ye Hao's calm face couldn't help showing a dignified look, they didn't know that the crystal wall of their space would be confined to them. It was so strong that after it withstood nearly a hundred million fists silenced with swords, it didn't break.

Such a terrible defense can be said to be too terrible,

"I can't believe I couldn't break the walls of your damn space today," Jian said, and after an angry silence he suddenly saw a long sword in his hand, about four feet eight minutes long . The body of this sword is made of white jade, and the sword is engraved with exquisite runes, which looks extraordinarily delicate.

This sword, of course, is a tool of intrigue, and it is also a magic weapon that silently relies on the reputation of this sword-the white jade sword.

"Quiet, stop!"

At this time, Ye Hao saw the sword stretching out the magic weapon silently, immediately thought of the opponent's intention, and then shouted, trying to stop his action, but it was too late. Just when Ye Hao yelled out the words, the sword had already completed all the movements in his hand, and the long sword in his hand was already straight

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