Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1210 Cold

Then, Ye Hao's eyes suddenly opened, and then his body began to blur, first his lower body, then his body, and finally his upper body. As if he was directly invisible, he disappeared in the sight of everyone, and even the spiritual concepts that shrouded the entire space at that time, such as Yao, could not find him.

However, when Ye Hao disappeared, countless ripples suddenly appeared in the surrounding space surrounded by layers of people, as if a stone had fallen into a calm lake. Rapid ripples, forming a turbulent ripple, then, in the confinement space of Yao and others, that body immediately felt that the vitality around it had become very thin, because at this time, it continued to fill up rapidly,

"Here, brother Yuntian really broke through the boundary of this space?" Dongfang Haoyu felt the change of vitality around him, and his face was suddenly ecstatic.

"This should be a success, otherwise, there is no way to participate in the closed space," Ye Xiaoxiao said, nodding, sure.

"Yes, even if there is no successful way to break this space limitation, I think it should be almost, otherwise, with the power of space imprisonment, there is no way to have vitality that can penetrate this," he said, "Indeed, even if there is no success Breaking the limitation of space, I think it should be here soon." Leng Xue said,


However, as soon as the sound of Han Xue fell, they immediately heard a loud noise overhead, and then only one person, like a broken kite, erupted directly from the gap in the air. until it hit the other side of the crystal wall,

This person is not someone else, but Ye Hao who disappeared into the void,

At this time, he was sitting on the ground, his complexion was extremely pale, sweat beads like beans kept streaming down his forehead, and his breathing seemed to be extremely weak. This obviously caused a strong reaction from the other party when he broke the prison space,

the sky

At this time, when they saw Ye Hao's situation, they couldn't help screaming, and walked up to him directly. Yao and Ouyang Yan's two daughters injected their own vitality into his body more directly. To help him contain the physical damage, in the end, he still bets on all of our lives. Just because he's the only one who can do it.

All the people ran back and forth along the way, about an hour passed, Luo Xiaocheng suddenly felt energy flickering, although it had no effect on the coverage of spiritual power, but Luo Xiaocheng's heart was beating. While this energy isn't waning the trend, it's just flickering, a sign that it's about to dry up. For a kind of power, it can be said that it is completely borrowed, and he himself has no ability to feel its power. Once it really dries up, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Hurry up, Han Lun." Luo Xiaocheng urged. After hearing this, Han Lun didn't know, Luo Xiaocheng didn't urge them, but suddenly, the cover might be broken. Startled, Han Lun accelerated his speed and attacked quickly. Time was running out, a flash of energy suddenly flashed in Luo Xiaocheng's hand, Luo Xiaocheng suddenly became tense and sweated profusely.

"Han Lun, hurry up!"

Having a man on his back, he doesn't need to run by himself, makes it easy. Han Lun was also sweating and panting. Listening to Luo Xiaocheng's speech, Han Lun's teeth were locked tightly, and he was forced to speed up. But the speed is limited.

"bring it on!"

Luo Xiaocheng urged loudly, making the fox's heart unbearable, and said: "Brother Luo, he is very tired, don't force him."

Luo Xiaocheng completely ignored Ye Haohu's words and still yelled loudly. Enduring the exhaustion and the wind under his feet, Han Lun ran forward with all his strength. In this blue-green world of thunder and lightning, a beam of blue light flashed. It seemed to stir the dead space full of death, making the originally static world suddenly become turbulent.

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