Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1215 Suddenly

Su Ling was very close to them, listening to their negative words, on the surface of Gujing, she still felt a little inner pressure. Although she was confident enough this time, after all, this was a five-party meeting, not an ordinary small game. If their wood fairy can pick up the top chip, it could totally make people's eyes jump out of the big event.

"There are still three days, enough to make you familiar with the sword formula of the shadow of a thousand Buddhas." Su Ling and the two thought to themselves, turning their heads inadvertently, and saw Liu Yu's long green shirt standing tall and fluttering, and the long sword in his hand Gently pressed, eyes staring coldly at the front, I don't know what to see from him, but I can't see any tension from him, it seems that it doesn't matter to him at all. There was something triumphant in his eyes.

Liu Yu's strength is well known. Liu has been fond of swordsmanship since he was a child. He started practicing at the age of three, and he was able to go out with the police to handle cases at the age of seven. Also, his father was in charge of a household and the resources were unique. Liu is not as playboy as Su Jin, but cherishes these resources more. He has always had the best teachers, but Liu has changed 15 teachers so far. Because without exception, they were all defeated by Liu's sword, and to this day, he has become a rare wood fairy's swordsmanship wizard. The power is already in the center of the sky. It should be called the first batch of young mummy fairies.

Because of your previous vacation, Su Linger and Liu Yu had nothing to say, but after the incident, Liu was finally able to reveal his identity and apologize, which also restored the image of this young master in her mind. At this point, I just feel that Liu really likes to praise that kind of person, the heroic hairstyle, and the equipment Yuxuan. The proud man who has conquered countless hearts does have the capital of his pride.

Su Linger smiled, and Liu seemed to realize it, looking into the eyes, Su Linger looked at him for a while, suddenly felt blushing, and turned around quickly. Liu Li didn't want to, waiting for news from the three parents, without saying a word, his eyes turned indifferent again.

Su Linger laughed at herself. "What are you nervous about? He wants to see you. You have to go back." There is only one master in this city, and that man is your ultimate enemy on the battlefield. "Think about it, a layer of sweat suddenly broke out in Su Ling's palms.

Suddenly, only three patriarchs were heard drinking in unison. "The way of heaven is yellow, the law of the earth is broad, the way of humanity is normal, the three talents of heaven, open!"

The hands of the three Celestial Clans were intertwined, their fingertips intertwined, and three majestic green lights fell on the pillars in front, and the three pillars immediately cast a curtain of light, forming a triangular hole around the deep well. There was an illusion in the deep well, not many dragon songs emerged from the deep well, a long green phantom erupted from the deep well, a powerful soul burst out suddenly.

"The dragon opened, let's go."

After that, the leader of Tianjia led people into the deep well, and a pedestrian disappeared immediately.

Longmai is a unique mode of transportation, in the spiritual world on land, it is the fastest way to get to the two places. Rich in spiritual power, powerful people can guide the flow of spiritual power between the two places, thus establishing a channel for the rapid flow of spiritual power. Through this channel, people can transfer their spiritual power to the destination as quickly as possible, Sometimes even dozens of times. Such channels are called dragon veins. However, the premise of using dragon veins is that someone can make the channel of spiritual power flow quickly, but it is absolutely impossible to manipulate such a powerful spiritual power without the strongest person.

After a thrilling run, the three finally escaped. They wanted to hide in the thick fog below, but they didn't expect the fog to dissipate miraculously today. no tears. But luckily they are invisible. After running for a certain distance, Ye Haoshuhao almost drove away the suitors behind him.

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