Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1217 Eternity

But there is nothing they can do.

After a beating, Hu Yu'er passed out. The whip-wielding soldier took a bucket from his feet, and the bucket of water was sprinkled on him. Ye Haohuyue'er was powerless, but it was a violent scream.

It turned out to be a bucket of salt water!

Han Lun didn't want to cry anymore, it was his intention, no matter how many there were, it was completely useless at this time. Shortly afterward, her eyes turned white and he passed out again. The whipped soldiers splashed salt water again, but the jade shape only fluttered for a while, and could not wake up again. After a long time, the soldiers finally stopped. Han Lun looked at Ye Haohu and wanted to cry loudly.

But there was less than one stick of incense left in this group of people, and another group of people came. There were about six or seven people, and Han Lun didn't see much, holding a big wooden stick in his hand. As soon as they entered the prison, they were divided into two groups, one group went from left to right, and the two groups were beaten in turn. These people are so ruthless, Han Lun only felt that all the bones were broken, and Linghu Yue'er was motionless. It whimpered at it like a corpse hanging from a pole, but she didn't respond at all.

The second group of people finally retreated, and the stone room returned to calm. Han Lun seemed to be able to hear blood dripping from the corner of Linhu's mouth to the ground. Although Han Lun didn't have the strength to speak, he wanted to raise his eyes, and he wanted to see her all the time. He worried that Jed couldn't bear such a severe trauma.


Han Lun's voice was as delicate as silk, even if it wasn't there, it was almost like whispering to someone. But in this silent dungeon, it does seem to be audible.

His face was covered with blood, and when he spoke, he vomited blood from his mouth, and there was not a piece of flesh on his body. Half-kneeling on both knees, but unable to kneel due to dangling hands. He can only lie between two copper pillars, lying dead.

Before Ye Haohuyue'er woke up, Han Lun swallowed a mouthful of blood, suddenly choked on his own blood, coughed suddenly, and spurted out hot blood. The sound in this dungeon is so loud that the shape of the fox moves. It seemed to be awakened by Han Lun's voice.

"Han" Ye Hao Huyue'er had a hoarse voice in his mouth, which seemed to be exhaled. Although there was only this word, Han Lun's heart was already ecstatic. After all, he knew that his jade was still alive.

"Jed, are you awake?" Han Lun seemed to become stronger suddenly, and shouted a few words.

Ye Haohuyue'er took a few breaths, and Han Lun seemed to be able to hear the sound of her swallowing her own blood. After a while, she said softly, "Hmm."

Then, none of them had power, but the silence of death throughout the cell. But what made Han Lun happy was that he could finally hear Ye Haohuyue's panting. Although the sound was painful, the sound made him feel like a knife. But without sound, his world seemed gray.

When there is pain, at least the witnesses are alive. At least there is hope.

In the dungeon, the smell of moss and blood intertwined, which is a horrible smell that is inexplicable. The smell is suffocating. The water droplets on the wall fell to the ground, and the entire dungeon seemed to be extremely slow, as if it was at a standstill at the moment. The pain, the torment, now seems like an eternity

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