Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1223 Interest

The three decided to go up and have a look first. He wouldn't make a pointless sojourn here, and the party didn't slow down on the second floor. The area here is much larger than the first floor. The place has dozens of benches, like a lecture hall. But there is no one here. There is waste paper on every table.

The three approach the table and find that most of the content in the newspaper is different but seems to revolve around the topic of how to use strategies to reduce their consumption. After observing it for a while, it became clear that this was where the elves discussed tactics. The tunnel on the first floor happens to be their training ground.

"It seems that this is the place of monsters." When they understood this, they understood that they were going the wrong way. After the three returned the pieces of paper, they quickly returned along the original road. Went downstairs and walked out the door. Make a big circle around the tree on the east side. Finally, a human statue was found in another door. This was the fourth statue they had seen. Except for the first one, the one in the middle is a sexy woman with orange eyes, but a red flame burns in the knot of her hair. The other is a solid and lovely statue, like a golden soul.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the statue in green. It's not easy to find a place you're not familiar with, but it's not easy to find one. I finally found it. When the three entered the door, one of them walked up two floors. But it's still empty. None of the three found anything here. Now in this cobwebbed room, just to find the soul.

But it is not easy to find a person in such a complicated room. Not to mention that the three of them cannot be separated. For a long time, people didn't know that they visited dozens of rooms and still couldn't find them. Some closed rooms, people dare not open, if there are people, their whereabouts may be exposed.

On the sixth floor, rows of sunsets shone into the curved balconies, and orange red lights flashed on the walls, like graffiti on the walls, full of childish interest.

Walking on this road, the shadow clearly passes through the wall, and the warm light seems to shine in the heart, which is very warm. Lan squinted her eyes and watched the tree's leaves reach up to the sky, where it seemed to be floating with beautiful clouds. There is a sunset complex about every woman, if you can see the person they love, it's probably the most beautiful thing in the world.

That's what Ran Baoluo thought, and suddenly saw a woman standing in the corner in front, watching the sunset alone. Everyone is familiar with this figure, it is the figure of Su Ling.

The joy in the hearts of the three people was finally found.

They quickly approached Suren and prepared to remove their invisibility. But when she got closer, she suddenly found two lines of tears hanging on her face.

"Luo Hua drifts with the tide, and Liu Shui mercilessly falls in love with Hua'er. Senior Brother Ye Hao."

The soul chanted in his mouth. The voice was sobbing very thinly, and the tears continued. When Ran Baoluo heard this poem, his heart was tight, and he subconsciously looked at Ye Haoshuhao, but after a while, he turned his face away again. She suddenly realized how embarrassing it would be to see Ye Haoshuhao's eyes.

But, after she looked down, she thought, why am I so vulnerable? Who knows who Ye Hao is thinking about? Why should he despise himself, because of a trivial matter, then he has doubts. What happened to Ouyang Jinglan last time was already a lesson. This let her know that what is needed between them is trust, and trust is usually not lacking, but in special times, trust becomes extremely important and fragile. I don't know how many people's love is lost in trust, their love is absolutely not.

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