Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1230 Interweaving

The guy who came to the door stops abruptly, and Su-jin smiles. "Well, let those guys down" The guy who knows current affairs is Joon-jae, and he's affectionate. impressive. "

"Give her back to me!" Han Lun growled in a low voice. He felt that when he said these three words, he had already stood on the opposite side of the world, not that the world had given up on him, but that he had given up on the whole world. Although he would like to, so far, he has nothing but jade.

Su Jin nodded, and the man immediately dropped Ye Haohu's shoulders, and with a bang, Yue'er's body fell down heavily, and the shirt on her body was already wet with blood from under Han Lun's knees. (See picture) At the same time, the two held down Han Lun and let him go. At this moment, Han Lun let go of his hands, and hurriedly climbed onto Ye Haohu Yueer with both hands empty. Although his hands were weak, Han Lun still held Yuzi in his arms with some slight strength in his elbows and wrists.

When he was able to stop her, Hanlon felt like he was doing the right thing. Jed's whole body was as soft as mud, and her body was full of warm blood. The temperature can't dispel the bitter cold, but it has melted the thick frost in the heart.

When Han Lun was holding her, the two people next to her would come over and feed them the two pills respectively. Han Lun didn't refuse either. If there was any poison, he should be able to feel it, but the medicine he took was actually just a common wound.

"If you take the medicine, you'll be able to talk soon. Don't worry, I'm keeping my promise, as long as you can complete the task, she will never happen. I'll leave you alone and come back tomorrow morning." Su Jintou did not return to the prison gate, and the sound of footsteps gradually faded away. Han Lun also doesn't look at him at all, in his world, Su Jin is just a damn person.

The cell regained its tranquility, but the tranquility before was more or less full of intense helplessness, and now they were finally able to be together. The tranquility is somewhat intertwined with warmth.

The sky didn't know when, only the light of the fire reflected in Hanlon's body. But not through the shadows in his eyes. This is a place without light. The light had been abandoned by him helplessly. Time is still passing slowly, but the difference is that Han Lun can feel her heartbeat. In your own arms, hope is slowly burning. Although it is small, it can illuminate a person's life, and when he gives up Qi, he must pursue it.

Su Jin's medication was not very good, but at least it had some effect, and soon Han Lun gained strength. Almost all the elixirs in his body are in Su Ling'er's success bag, but there is very little stock in his soul. But after looking carefully, I still found a good-colored Yuxin Dan and fed her.

Ye Haohu Yueerkou Danyao slid into her throat, waiting for it to take effect slowly. With the combination of these two drugs, Han Lun soon felt that Jed's breathing was a little faster.

Lifting her haired face, Han Lun gently put her hair on her head, although it was a bit lively, she always liked beauty, especially in front of him, no matter how easy it was, the hairstyle was always so elegant. Maybe it's the daughter's mood, always wanting to leave the most beautiful side of yourself to the one you love.

Jed's head was drenched, half-dried blood clots in his hair. Several places on the face were torn by the whip skin, and a bloodstain was startling. Her green dress was worn out. The wounds on his body were no longer visible, and there was hardly a single piece of intact skin on his body. Maybe Ye Hao Huyue'er breathed heavily because Han Lun casually touched the wound on her body when he hugged her.

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