Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1236 Smart

. There are dozens of foreign currency.

It seems that gold and silver are also used as units of exchange in the spirit world. But the amount of gold and silver is much purer than the human world.

There are some things that Han Lun doesn't really need. Compared with his own refined medicine, these medicines are actually useless at all, and there is this sword. Han Lun didn't use a sword at all, and Yin was really tasteless. The only thing that works is this map.

Han Lun followed Su Jin all the way down the ground to the willow tree in the white mist. Dawn has not yet broken, and the eve before dawn is the darkest hour of the day. They lit torches, and after several searches, they found the altar.

As soon as Su Jin waved his hand, the three men in black behind him welcomed them, and a black aura emanated from the three pillars. The three pillars suddenly became unreal. After a while, a black light shot out, forming a three-faced mask. Suddenly a blue and green dragon sounded from the deep well.

These three people are actually infinite power, and the surprise in Han Lun's eyes is a little unbelievable. It seems that the power of these three hands cannot be underestimated. These three hands are really mysterious, but the only thing that is certain is that these three hands are definitely not wood fairies.

Su Jin turned around and said, "Han Lun, the road has been opened for you, you can do it yourself, calm down when things happen, and don't forget your lovely girl, she is still in my hands."

Han Lun didn't answer, his eyes turned sideways, he went straight to the deep well, jumped vertically, and his figure would be submerged in the turquoise dragon-shaped shadow.

Su Jin smiled and returned to the altar. The person next to him asked: "Son, can that person really do things well?"

Su-jin looks back at him and hums, "If you put all your hopes in one place, your chances of failing are many times greater than your chances of succeeding." Remember that. "

The man held out his hand and said, "The prince is smart, he's a smart man." Su Jin laughed and seemed satisfied with the title. As soon as he touched his sleeve, he left and said, "It's time to go back to the three old men Send a message." How could he not know what happened here. Um. "

Holding hands, Su Jin walked into the thick fog step by step. The vast world was originally a piece of pure white, but laughter is like a pure black spot, living in this pure world, only a few drops of black remain.

When Han Lun walked into this dragon vein, it immediately became a transparent and tortuous pipeline. The blood-red world spread all over the world, and it seemed that only this channel had a little vitality. He walked quickly without saying a word, his eyes were as deep as before, but there was a strong embarrassment on his face.

He has almost arranged Su Ling's anger, and now he wants to eliminate them all. Han Lun couldn't imagine what he would say when he appeared in front of Su Ling with a knife. What would everyone think of him, the word friend that he cherished in his life, what value was left at that time?

Time passed, and Han Lun came to five cities. The sky was not yet clear, and the surroundings were blurred, as if covered with a layer of light black veil.

The clothes Hanlon was wearing were not dazzling. A wood elf stepped out of the Mirror Stone, and Hanlon stood up straight before jumping off the wall. The speed is so fast that it is impossible to see a phenomenon. Han Lun had seen a map before and had a certain understanding of the surrounding environment. He knew that jumping around from here was the outer edge of the wall, and he didn't have the kind of concealment necessary to hide his shadow from time to time.

Trees outside the wall were felled. The nearest tree was six or seven feet away from the wall. Han Lun didn't want to hide in the bushes, so as soon as he left, he hung on the wall with one hand.

He looked down, and the light under the wall was not very clear, but he could vaguely see shadows moving, which should be patrolling. Han Lun didn't disturb the enemy below. Using the power of space, he jumped up suddenly, running wildly on the vertical wall, and finally stopped at the intersection of the two walls of the wood carving elf and Yan Lingxian.

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