Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1243 Go downstairs

There are windows on every floor, and Han Lun is anxious to tell Linhu Yue'er that she doesn't like to open windows, so from the third floor, Han Lun began to pay attention. The ten people who came out of the Carpenter Fairy, Han Lun, had already known them secretly, so they remembered that these five cities should not be far from each other, maybe they were on the same floor, and they should be on the upper floors.

Han Lun skipped the next five floors and went up the six floors along the spiral staircase, but after waiting for a while, he didn't see any Ji Lingxian contestant. Han Lun continued to walk up. Just after passing a corner, a person suddenly walked in the opposite direction. Han Lun was shocked and immediately buried his head.

That person is Liu Yu!

Han Lun stepped aside with great interest. Han Lun lowered his head and let Liu Yu pass by. Liu Yu didn't seem to see him. But his eyes flicked to him as he passed.

Han Lun breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to lift his legs to leave when Liu Yu's voice suddenly came from behind him.


Han Lun's heart suddenly tightened, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and he was cold.

"Turn around!"

Han Lun couldn't help turning around and standing in front of him humbly.

"There's a dead end ahead. This is the residence of the Wood City athletes. This is a place where trespassing is not allowed, don't you know?"

Han Lun said, "Excuse me, which floor is this?"

"Seventh Floor"

"It was a small mistake. I wanted to go to the sixth floor, but accidentally climbed up to the first floor, and I begged my son to forgive me."

Therefore, Liu scolded: "Those people from Mucheng, how can you do such a poor job, and then be careful."

Han Lun hastily opened an arch and said, "Little know, little know." If the prince has nothing to say, the child will leave. "

Liu Yu waved his hand, Han Lun suddenly turned around and hurried downstairs.

Liu Yi stood where he was, his eyes twinkling mockingly. He murmured: "This is also a trick." Isn't he in jail? How can I hope to be friends and not enemies. Liu looked back at Su Ling's room and said, "It seems that you have lost blood this time." Well, I can help you a little, help you a little. "

Han Lun beat his crazy heart, and then stopped on the sixth floor. Han Lun carefully considered the conversation between Cai Cai and Liu Yu just now, and suddenly remembered what Liu Yu had said.

"How can a guy from Wood City do such a bad job?"

Did he see through his identity in this sentence? Han Lun was terrified, that was not the most dangerous time. But why doesn't Liu rip him off. Does he know what he's here for?

But Han Lun quickly rejected his idea. I'm afraid Liu didn't know Su Jin was out of prison, but now he probably just thinks he's here to help Su Ling. But there is only one owner in this city, why did he give Su Ling this chance?

The more he thought about it, the more confused he felt, and he lost his breath. It seems that this operation should be more secretive. By now, he has almost decided where Su Lun is, as long as he can stab her, he has no ability to win this five-party meeting.

Han Lun's figure jumped out of the corridor on the sixth floor, borrowed his strength from the corner of the wall, and flew to the seventh floor quickly. Han Lun's body was attached to the wall, listening carefully to the sound of the wall. But it seemed that some rooms were empty, and some were still sleeping, snoring quietly. Several times in a row. Han Lun finally heard what he wanted to hear.

"Brother Ye Hao has been away for so long, why didn't you come back?" It was the voice of the soul. Han Lun's heart is happy, she mentioned Ye Hao, Su Ling'er must be right.

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