Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1245 Rules

It is impossible to pull it out. Ye Hao could only use his sword to separate the clothes from the robe. Wipe off the sweat, stop looking at the wall, turn around and walk on the road. It's a place that's almost an inch square. But there is a magnificent wooden ladder that goes all the way up. Ye Hao walked up the wooden ladder quietly, and just when he showed his head, he saw the ends of the wooden ladder on the left and right sides of the corridor, and the soldiers were guarding the place below.

Ye Hao approached quietly, and when he was less than three feet away from those two people, he dodged him and turned himself into an elf, one hit the back of the man on the left, and the other twisted the neck of the man on the right . The two guards were dizzy before they could speak.

"There seem to be a lot of military guards here, I'm afraid we have to deal with them one by one!"

The ninth floor is round, surrounded by a dozen circular arches, I don't know what to do. Ye Hao looked around and tied the two stunned soldiers to the porch, making it look like they were still on duty on the surface. As soon as the shape flashed, it flashed into one of the arches.

The door is a one-step passage, and after walking a few steps, the ladder rolled back and forth. Ye Hao climbed up the stairs, suddenly breathing to the extreme. That breath is like a sea, majestic and infinite. Such power is unimaginable.

Ye Hao was frightened for a while, fortunately they hid their spiritual strength, otherwise they might all be discovered. Now he is a chickenless man. But I'm afraid this is the only way to prevent myself from being found in the face of such forces. This power should not be one person, this should be the first of the fifteen chiefs of the five families, and this is where they hold their assembly.

"I hope their meeting is not over yet." Ye Hao thought. He quietly approached the exit of the ladder. Observe the situation here carefully in the dark.

Stepping out of this door is a huge council chamber, but this building is particularly powerful. A huge stone is carved into a large colorful flower. All five families are seated on one of the petals. In the center of the petals, the center of the flower shines with five colors of light. I do not know what it is.

The clan chiefs on the battlefield appear to be bickering, and it seems some details of the five-party meeting are still being vigorously debated. I don't know if I'm missing any important information.

Ye Hao sat down by the door and listened carefully to every word the chiefs said in the dark.

After arguing for a long time, a woman's voice finally reached her ears.

"Such a debate is out of the question, tomorrow will be a five-party meeting and the competition system has been set," the parents said. Why do you waste your time on these little things? "Although the woman's voice was soft, it was strangely domineering. Ye Hao looked from where he was hiding, and saw that the woman should be the head of a daffodil with blue scales on her body, and she looked dignified. He Remembering that the current owners of the five cities are the heads of people from Dingding County, it should be her. No wonder, her breath is enough to make people feel so shocked.

The sturdy Tianchang of the ancestors of Jinling saw it, and at this time he interjected: "The city master is right," this is a rule that has been handed down all the time. In the past, the city master only decided to win or lose with martial arts." He added, "This is a rule that has always been adopted. "Why do we have to change the rules at this time."

"The old gentleman thinks this competition system is very good, such a field is really a fair field."

Lingxian King Tianzu Changlu: "Old man Mu, I know that you really want to be the master of this city. This kind of competition system is of course beneficial to you." But have you ever thought about when and where we have so many people? Energy to build such a large magnetic field? If the demon spirit hits Dongshu land, it doesn't have to depend on us old people for Qi. "

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