Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1253 Guy

Long was horrified at their presence. So, naturally, he took two steps back, the man hardly looked at her, at this moment he suddenly rushed past her, and the sharp blade went straight towards Su Ling'er.

"Be careful!" Jean Lan called out loudly. It turned out that the assassin had already gone to find Su Yehao. Sullivan probably didn't expect this man to suddenly get into trouble, and now he is in danger. She pulled back and slammed into the door. The assassin's sharp dagger immediately approached his chest.

Su Linger was too scared to move. He grabbed the tea cup that Su Linger had just placed on the table, and suddenly smashed the vest on the assassin's back. This is a glass of water, but the glass is filled with a lot of power, if the assassin ignores it, the blade in his hand has stabbed the spirit, and he is bound to be hit by the glass of water. -

A gamble was taken that he would turn around and eliminate the backstage offense. Sure enough, the assassin turned around suddenly, and the dagger in his hand broke the water glass in half.

At such a young age, Su Ling'er pulled out her own long sword, squeezed out a sword formula, and soon the two swords began to bloom, and hurriedly walked towards the assassin behind.

Seeing the assassin quickly pick up the dagger in his hand, Su Ling's sword was all on his dagger. The assassin waved his legs and rushed to Su Ling. Su Linger turned around and jumped off the building. The assassin flew one foot, and as soon as she kicked Su Linger's chest, her figure flew out immediately. As soon as the assassin made a move, he flew up quickly, pulled out a dagger, and stuffed it into Su Ling'er's heart.

At this time, the two people were flying back and forth in the air, fast and slow, watching the blade of the dagger piercing Su Ling's heart, slowly injecting into the shape of movement, but it never came. Luo Xiaocheng also woke up at this time, and the shape was rushing down from the bed, but at this moment, all movements would be slowed down by half a beat.

For a moment, Su Ling was terrified and her eyes widened, as if she had foreseen the end of the dagger entering her heart. But suddenly a red light flashed in front of my eyes, and the dagger in my hand fell immediately. But Su Ling and the two felt that there were hands grabbing his body, and looking back, it turned out to be Ye Hao.

Su Ling'er finally breathed a sigh of relief, not because he was out of danger, but because she saw him come back safely. Ye Hao let go of her and said sharply, "Who are you?"

The assassin didn't speak, and his body rushed towards him in one step. Ye Hao was startled, and his body quickly jumped to the lukewarm side. But unexpectedly, the assassin's direction would turn around, and he immediately jumped out of the window. Ye Hao rushed to the window and saw that the figure of that person had disappeared. Luo Xiaocheng was about to jump out of the window. Ye Hao stopped him and said, "Poor Kemo, it's a mess now, I'm afraid I'll be knocked down by Wu Wei." Luo Xiaocheng stopped his figure. Ye Hao looked back at the two girls and said, "Are you injured?"

With her head tilted, Su Linger said: "If you can arrive in time, I won't be able to see the sun this morning, if it is later."

Ran took her hand and said, "That's really scary." But it didn't matter. "Su Ling'er smiled slightly, as if she didn't notice this matter. In fact, she just had a conversation with Rand. Even if someone wanted to kill her, she was already heartbroken, but she was still immersed in the sadness of her last hope. heart.

Ran frowned and said, "The assassin was blindfolded and couldn't see his face, but I still think this person is very familiar."

"Do you think so?" Ye Hao was surprised.

"Did you feel it too?"

Ye Hao said: "Just as I came in, I saw the man knock down the guard and take off the guard's clothes, but I didn't notice at the time." I thought he wasn't here to find a soul. At that time, I saw the person in the blue shirt, the shape was very familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was. "

Luo Xiaocheng said: "This guy uses a knife. It keeps the dagger low. The dagger stabs more. The man cuts more with the dagger. It is the knife at a glance."

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