Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1256 Strong

The purple lightning gives the sun strength and restrains a lively spirit.

The red wood is like a snake swallowing the red letter, piercing the void with a strange and unpredictable power at an incomparably subtle angle, and the power becomes even more terrifying.


The sky thundered, and tens of thousands of swords were gathered to chop down.


Finally, the purple thunder dimmed, but the red wood stopped and the front darkened.

The young man's face immediately sank.

"Hey National Day, your proud Dementors are going to be turned into cocaine someday."

The thin old man smiled.

However, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The twelve continents of the chaotic world, divided by the most primitive numbers, are from the first to the twelfth. He is the master of the tenth continent, the middle-aged man is the twelfth, and the young man is the master of the eleventh state.

In this chaotic world, it is extremely dangerous for anyone to know that the master of the Eleventh Continent is raising dementors with countless living gods. This special kind of wood is impenetrable, water and fire cannot be invaded, and it can even devour the monk who is a monk, which is very terrifying. One of the Twelve Masters.

Today, however, those impenetrable dementors are anxious. It's just a little bit, but it's enough to startle a skinny old man, and, you know, the chaotic world is only a half step to the power of heaven, and the chaotic world is only a half step to those who can saint.


The earth's crust shook, and countless mahogany trees rushed up from below.

The young man was very handsome, and he was still smiling, a nice smile, and a scary smile. Masters of Chaos who know him well know that whenever he laughs like that, he's dangerous.

The hollow vibrates, and the dense redwood covers the sky, oppressing the heaven and the earth.

I was stressed, but never backed down. His eyes are very cold, his head is full of black, there is no wind automatically, and purple lightning is all over his body, just like the ancient Thor.

"Go, Brother Jiang! Let's go!"

The girl in Tsing Yi yelled.

She was tied to the farthest corner of the Golden Palace by two black iron chains. Silky blood red appeared on her bright white ankles, and her beautiful and clean eyes were full of anxiety and crystal clear.

Although she was yelling, her voice seemed weak.

"Little holy medicine, as long as you shut up and wait for the alchemy, he won't be able to leave. It turned out that this temple was specially prepared for you, and wanted you to return to your original body. Unexpectedly, it was abandoned. I was worried, so I had to prepare again."

The young man smiled and glanced at the little girl in Tsing Yi.

Although he was smiling, he laughed like a poisonous snake in the dark, making the young girl tremble, and a stream of red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. When the young man looked at her, a ray of pressure also rushed towards her, although she was weak, she was naturally unable to resist.

"Totem-Tuke is really different. I thought that although the holy medicine had a shape, it also produced a spiritual fluid. I didn't expect it to be blood."

The young man smiled.


My eyes flickered out of the little girl's ankles, across her pale cheeks, across the bloodshot corners of her mouth, and finally landed on the young man. His eyes were getting colder, and his external breathing was becoming more and more terrible.

Purple thunder rumbles, finally black, then red.

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