Chariot of Doom

Chapter 1271 Suddenly

"Su Lingzi said, walked to the door resolutely, and opened it suddenly.

When she opened the door, she suddenly felt so calm that it was worth it. As soon as the door opened, there was a white-haired old man, wearing a big green robe, with wrinkled face, but his waist was not bent, his back was not like that of a camel, full of vitality, and the look of his eyes seemed to directly penetrate the heart.

Su Ling's son hurriedly bowed to Da Li, "I've seen the sky grow!"

"No, it's been a long time. It's not like your usual style." That day, the patriarch put his hands behind his back, showing the majesty of a clan.

Su Ling'er said: "I'm a little tired today, I've made Tian's family wait for a long time, and I feel very sad."

That day, the patriarch said, "Can I come in and sit?"

The faces of Su Ling and the others changed, but this was the patriarch's request, how could they refuse, Su Ling's second strong face said: "The family is in chaos, I'm afraid I can't bear it."

The leader of the Tianzu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, just walk for a while." As he said, he lifted his legs and walked into the door. Soul had to step aside. My heart shouted: "Everything is over." For a moment, I just waited for the reprimand from the patriarch of that day, and I couldn't even open my eyes.

Suddenly, I only heard that day, the patriarch said with a trace of majesty: "You girl, so don't welcome me, an old man, the house is so clean, where is the mess."

Su Linger hurriedly knelt down and said, "God, please listen to Linger's explanation, actually?" What do you mean? "Su Ling'er prepared a lot of excuses in her heart. They pretended to be pitiful only when the Tian family opened their mouths. Because of her preference for the Tianfu family, maybe there will be a chance to change at this time. However, she opened her mouth and was surprised to find that this What the patriarch said was not the same thing.

"Look for yourself, where is the mess? Look at your nervous look, as if you stole your lover at home. Ha." That day, the patriarch laughed. In the blink of an eye, Su Ling'er was stunned that the figures of several people miraculously disappeared. But the doors and windows have not been opened at this time, where did they escape from?

"What do you think, girl?" exclaimed the executive. "I gotta guess there's a real hidden man here, and I gotta find out who's going to touch my niece," he said, "I gotta find out who's going to touch my niece." When you say that, never Stand up in your seat.

Su Ling hurriedly said: "My God, you won't tease me." How can this small room hide people? "

The leader of the Celestial Clan nodded and said: "How many times have you said that if someone is here, you can call me the leader of Heaven, and you still call me Uncle in private."

Su Linger nodded and said, "Uncle."

The leader of the Celestial Clan nodded and said with a smile: "I just heard Su Jin say that you are here, I just passed by, I have done a lot of things recently, but I haven't seen you for a long time, I just came to see you, your guest It turned out to be a guest of Ji Lingxian.”

Su Linger said: "Last night, Linger went to the ferret, and just returned to the wood carving fairy, promised a skunk that he would give him a big candy, but then I forgot about it." Last night, I It occurred to me that I couldn't lose faith in the kids, so I made a big candy overnight. I'm worried I'll have chores the next day so I keep sending it back

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